The Urgent Call to Combat the Opioid Epidemic

It’s no secret that the opioid crisis has escalated into a national emergency, deeply affecting about 25% of Americans through personal or familial addiction struggles. I personally know of too many people who have lost their lives due to this, and I’ll bet you do as well.

The staggering death toll, with over 110,000 Americans lost to fentanyl overdoses in 2023 alone, spotlights the critical need for a radical shift in strategy. The financial backbone of this epidemic, fueling Mexican cartels with billions from the drug trade, underscores the magnitude of the challenge at hand.

Rethinking Strategy: The Role of the US Military

Given our military’s unparalleled capabilities and strategic versatility, it is a beacon of hope in this dire situation. Past endeavors to curb the flow of fentanyl, in partnership with Mexico, have fallen short, highlighting the necessity for the US military to step into a central role. This strategy would involve a multifaceted approach, from securing key maritime routes that funnel precursor chemicals from China to employing precision strikes against cartel operations. It’s going to take a massive global effort. 

Use of Special Operations Forces

I’ve found that many Americans don’t realize the role that American special operations forces have played in counter-narcotic missions over the years. We have been involved in direct action missions involving raiding drug production facilities, disrupting transportation networks, and capturing or eliminating key figures within drug trafficking organizations. These high-stakes operations were designed to directly dismantle parts of the drug trade infrastructure. And it worked a little, for a while. Somehow, the cartels seem to keep bouncing back stronger than ever.

Drug interdiction missions frequently involve cooperation with other U.S. agencies, such as the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) and the Coast Guard, as well as with military and law enforcement agencies from other countries. This collaboration ensures a unified approach to tackling international drug trafficking.

SF in colombia
A US Special Forces soldier on a training mission with a Colombian anti-narcotics unit in Larandia, a military base a couple hundred miles southwest of Bogotá, Colombia. Given its strategic location, Larandia is instrumental in efforts to intercept and disrupt drug trafficking routes within Colombia.

Army Special Forces often engage in training and advising local military and law enforcement agencies in countries that are major drug-producing or transiting areas. This capacity-building approach aims to enhance the local forces’ ability to combat drug trafficking independently. Training covers a wide range of topics, including jungle warfare techniques, surveillance and reconnaissance, and legal aspects of drug enforcement.

Gathering and analyzing intelligence is a cornerstone of effective drug interdiction. Special Forces conduct surveillance missions to identify drug production sites, smuggling routes, and key traffickers. They also employ advanced technologies, including drones and satellite imagery, to monitor drug trafficking activities and plan interdiction operations.

DEA’s Warning and Mexico’s Political Landscape

The DEA’s declaration of fentanyl as the leading cause of death among Americans aged 18-45, primarily fueled by the Sinaloa and Jalisco Cartels, raises alarms. This crisis is exacerbated by the current Mexican government’s lenient stance towards cartels, embodied in President López Obrador’s “hugs, not bullets” policy. This approach has not only failed to stem the tide of violence but has also seen the disbandment of cooperative security measures like the Merida Initiative, leaving a gaping void in the fight against cartel violence and drug trafficking.

Shifting Sands in Drug Trafficking Dynamics

The evolution of the fentanyl crisis, with Mexican cartels overtaking China as the primary supplier of the US market, marks a significant shift. The cartels’ new role as the dominant force in the illicit drug trade, utilizing precursors from Chinese companies, demands a strategic recalibration. This includes enhanced maritime interdiction efforts to cut off the supply chain at its source and a reinvigorated focus on dismantling the logistical networks that enable cartel operations.

Deploying a Layered Defense Strategy

The adoption of a layered defense strategy, engaging both PACOM in the Pacific and NORTHCOM along the continental borders, represents a comprehensive approach to this complex issue. Yet, challenges such as insufficient manpower and systemic problems within military units highlight the critical need for strategic realignment and enhanced cooperation across federal agencies. These issues are nothing new. 

The Potential of Kinetic Strikes

The consideration of kinetic military action against cartel operations introduces a potent variable into the equation. Drawing on the successful use of precision strikes and special operations forces in counterterrorism, such tactics could significantly disrupt the cartels’ fentanyl distribution networks. However, the implications of such actions on U.S.-Mexico relations and the potential for drug trafficking displacement warrant careful consideration.

Legal Frameworks and Policy Implications

The debate over the military’s role in domestic law enforcement against cartels underscores the complexities of this approach. While legal precedents exist for military involvement in counterdrug operations, refining these authorities to more effectively target the cartels may provide a more focused and impactful strategy. The Biden administration has emphasized treating the opioid crisis and drug addiction more broadly as public health issues rather than criminal or military problems. This approach focuses on prevention, treatment, and recovery services to reduce the demand for drugs. How effective has that been? That’s right, not very. 

A Comprehensive Military Involvement

As the opioid crisis continues to devastate American communities, the imperative for decisive action becomes ever more apparent. Leveraging the full spectrum of military capabilities against the Mexican cartels presents a viable path forward. This strategy not only aims to curb the current fentanyl influx but also positions the US to counter the evolving threat posed by these criminal enterprises proactively. That’s the key word here, “proactive”. Our leaders are willing to stand by and watch hundreds of thousands of lives become ruined or snuffed out because of the dangerous drugs that are flooding the United States every day. The sad part is they could be doing a lot more to stop it. We have the resources; let’s put them to use. 

Confronting Mexico’s Political Dilemma

The political landscape in Mexico, marked by President López Obrador’s non-confrontational stance and the potential continuation of such policies under Claudia Sheinbaum, poses significant hurdles. The dismantling of initiatives like the Merida Initiative and the repurposing of the Mexican military for non-security roles signal a troubling shift away from combating cartel influence. This situation necessitates a reevaluation of cooperative strategies and underscores the need for a robust, independent US response.

Addressing the Root of the Supply Chain

With China’s role in the fentanyl crisis evolving, the urgency for targeted US action against the cartels’ supply chains has intensified. This includes disrupting the maritime smuggling routes critical to the cartels’ operations and revitalizing key task forces within the military to spearhead these efforts. The challenges faced by JIATF (Joint Interagency Task Force) West and the necessity for its operational overhaul highlight the complexities of countering the fentanyl supply chain effectively.

Enhancing Border Defense and Interdiction Efforts

The need for a cohesive and comprehensive border defense strategy is paramount. Despite setbacks, enhancing the capabilities of JTF-N and ensuring the operational readiness of units tasked with this mission are critical steps. This includes prioritizing the seizure of weapons trafficked to the cartels and leveraging advanced surveillance technologies to monitor and disrupt drug trafficking operations.

The Deterrent Effect of Targeted Military Actions

Exploring the viability of targeted military strikes against the most threatening cartel factions offers a strategic lever in the broader effort to dismantle the narcotic networks endangering American lives. By focusing on syndicates like the Jalisco Cartel, known for their significant role in fentanyl trafficking and the incorporation of dangerous substances like xylazine, the US can deliver a clear message. Such decisive actions could instill a sense of vulnerability among cartels, potentially deterring future illicit activities and disrupting the fentanyl supply chain at critical points.

Navigating Legal and International Waters

The application of military force in combating drug trafficking raises important legal and diplomatic considerations. Expanding the operational scope of the military under existing legal frameworks, such as Title 10 USC 284, could enhance the effectiveness of these efforts without necessitating the contentious designation of cartels as terrorist organizations. This nuanced approach respects the complexities of international law and the importance of maintaining cooperative bilateral relations with Mexico, even as it grapples with its internal security challenges.

Where the drugs are entering the US
We know where the drugs are entering the US. Now, let’s do something about it.

Building a Multifaceted Response

As the United States contends with the devastating impact of the opioid epidemic, the involvement of the military in this fight signifies a critical, though complex, component of a multifaceted strategy. This approach necessitates a recalibration of military and legal tactics and a comprehensive public health and diplomatic effort. Addressing the root causes of addiction, enhancing border security, and fostering international cooperation are equally essential to curtail the influence of Mexican cartels and reduce the prevalence of fentanyl on American streets.

Forward-Thinking Policies for Lasting Change

The fight against the opioid epidemic and the cartels fueling it demands forward-thinking policies that encompass military precision, legal clarity, and international diplomacy. By strategically deploying the military’s capabilities while navigating the legal and diplomatic challenges inherent in such actions, the United States can effectively counter the multifaceted threat posed by cartel operations. This comprehensive strategy not only seeks to dismantle the current networks of narcotic distribution but also to lay the groundwork for lasting change, safeguarding future generations from the scourge of opioid addiction.

Conclusion: A United Front Against the Opioid Crisis

In conclusion, as the opioid crisis continues to ravage communities across the United States, the call for a robust and decisive response grows louder. Using military capabilities, in concert with legal reforms, international diplomacy, and public health initiatives, presents a holistic approach to confronting the cartels at the heart of this crisis. By embracing a strategy that leverages the full spectrum of national power, the United States can make significant strides in reducing the tide of fentanyl and other opioids flooding its streets, ultimately saving lives and mending the fabric of affected communities.