Physical fitness and selection are one in the same. I wrote before about the mental component, maybe the most important. It’s still nothing without a base. The base is physical fitness.

Let me demystify selection. Because it’s similar to joining a sports team. Except this team is both all-encompassing and niche at the same time. It’s good and bad for you. I’m going to use colorful and maybe gratuitous language in the sentence after this one. But it’s key to making it in the military. Don’t be a pussy.

Don’t do it – just don’t. Whatever fear you got – use it to your advantage. Even if you’ve got your tail between your legs – if you continue to take steps forward, no one will question it. I was terrified the first time I did a static airborne jump.  It miserable and a relief when the chute opened. When you’re selected, you’ll be relieved.

But, it is going suck. You won’t be walking right for a little while. My feet were badly infected. I think I took antibiotics at the end. Because I still don’t know what they were and I went on to become an 18D. You don’t leave anything on the field, it’ll be a blur, but it’ll be worth it.

Here are the basics. If you’re fat – STOP – and wait for the next cycle, you aren’t going to make it. You must be physically toned and able to efficiently burn fat over long distance endurance efforts. That’s the heart of selection. The first step to doing so – is actually being thin and conducting long range and durability testing movements.

The Basics.

PT Test: 270 – 300. Preferably scoring a 290+ can be your initial personal gate to begin focusing on longer distance and ruck running. The two miles needs to begin sounding more like a sprint than a grueling ordeal.

Rucking: Base 12 miles at 15:00 pace with 45 lbs. That’s the slowest you can afford to be, and that ought to be a comfortable pace. There’s a lot of different ways to go about this. But, if you can manage to get your stride, walking to hover between a 14:30 – 14:45 then, you’re on the right track and that’s a safe space. Rucking is the most complicated and often ill-prepared aspect of selection. Much more to follow on selection and how to improve your ability to carry weight and cover distance.