You can read part III here

Dedication for this write goes to NEWSREP brother Ryan B (01a)

“Of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world… she walks into mine” (Humphry Bogart in Casa Blanca)

There’s a truck stop here in Albuquerque called the T&A Truck Stop — as the Lord in the heavens that bend above us is my witness. Don’t know what T&A stands for; don’t care a spit. The stop is just another one of my haunts where I go to try and crack more of the human trafficking’s nuts… or at least just look like I am.

There is another nonprofit out there that purports to combat human traffic through the “spreading of awareness” to the drivers of our trucking industry. I intentionally omit the name of that organization, because I’m about to bash the white dog turds out of it.

Now… FORGIVE ME… if I appear a measure of callous on the subject of awareness spreading, but I am a measure of callous on the subject of awareness spreading.

“I’m not really going to do anything pro-actively to stem the tide of human trafficking, but I will spread awareness of its existence.”