This article originally appeared in Newsweek.

I’m a former U.S. Navy SEAL sniper who served in the Middle East, Afghanistan and Iraq. On my last tour in the SEAL Teams, I managed the Naval Special Warfare Sniper course as a 28 year-old. I’ve fired hundreds of thousands of rounds in training and have been a gun owner. I also believe we need to address gun violence in America, especially against kids.

As a father myself it’s terrible to think about my kids having to deal with a school shooting. I was sick to my stomach when I sent them bulletproof backpack inserts to shield themselves in case some crazy person came to school with a gun.

I also recognize there are legitimate concerns on both sides of the gun debate, and these should be part of the conversation.

I tried to make this point years ago, and again after the Sandy Hook shootings, but my timing was off. Back then, someone with my background expressing opinions on gun control and challenging NRA policy (the NRA does a lot of good FYI) was the equivalent of me jumping into a Walking Dead Zombie hoard unarmed. Nobody was interested in hearing me out (how could they, they were a bunch of zombies!), and both sides just wanted to tear me apart.

Maybe now Americans are reaching the point addicts call a moment of clarity. Maybe now we are finally ready to recognize that it’s time to address the gun violence issue in this country and put protective measures in place that will drastically reduce the chances small, innocent children will be shot to death after social studies class.

Members of the community gather at the City of Uvalde Town Square for a prayer vigil in the wake of a mass shooting at Robb Elementary School on May 24, 2022, in Uvalde, Texas. Republicans have shared messages of condolences to the families of the victims. JORDAN VONDERHAAR/GETTY IMAGES

This isn’t the only major issue we have to address in America. We still struggle with equality for all, health care, education, food quality, a political system that resembles an old Ford gas-guzzling pickup truck when we need to be more Tesla. But the gun issue is on the PGA leaderboard, for sure.

As an entrepreneur, Harvard Business School OPM Alumni, and a member of the Young Presidents Organization, I’ve become very aware that the government is not going to solve these problems for us. It’s up to all of us to take a stand, especially those of us with influence.