Snubbed by SEALs: A Delta Force operator on working with SEAL Team 6

A U.S. Navy Admiral “owned” the Balkan State of Bosnia under the behavioral tutelage of the United Nations Peace-Keeping organization. He was the sheriff, the police chief, the governor, the president of the country until such time humanitarian order could be restored in the civil war-ravaged nation. There to offer Personal Security Detail (PSD) services was a 12-man team of Navy SEALs from SEAL Team-6 (ST-6), also known as DEVGRU, Dam Neck, VA.

Prosecutors seeking to add rape charges against Marine Raider and Navy SEAL accused of Green Beret murder

In a case that continues to embarrass both the Marine Special Operations Command (MARSOC) and Naval Special Warfare Command (NSWC), military prosecutors are seeking to add rape charges in the plethora of indictments that have pilled up against a Marine Raider and Navy SEAL accused of murdering a Green Beret.

Trump gives old school SEAL admiral top intelligence job

A retired Navy SEAL admiral will hold the nation’s top intelligence position. President Donald Trump decided to give the intelligence keys to Retired Vice Admiral Joseph Maguire and make him Director of National Intelligence (DNI).

Marine Raider killed in combat in Iraq

On Saturday, August 10, a Marine Raider was killed in action during combat operations in Iraq. Gunnery Sergeant Scott A. Koppenhafer, a Critical Skills Operator (CSO) assigned to the 2nd Marine Raider Battalion (2nd MRB) was fatally wounded while providing combat support to Iraqi Security Forces.

Joe Biden calls for assault weapon ban and buybacks

After yet another round of tragic mass shootings struck two different communities around the United States in recent weeks, the gun control debate has found renewed vigor within America’s political sphere. With no fewer than 24 Democrats competing for their opportunity to run against President Trump in 2020, the discussion revolving around gun control has been given special attention from candidates seeking to engage liberal voters and demonstrate their distaste for the incumbent president’s policies.

Cage fighting and special operations: MMA fighter and Combat Controller speaks out

Recently, I was a guest on a podcast. One of the hosts asked me about skills that I picked up during my career as a Combat Controller (CCT) that have transferred over into my current job as a professional Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) fighter. Without much time to think about it, I quickly responded to him with a boring, generic answer about mental toughness and the ability to stay awake when needed.

The DEVGRU files: SEAL Team Six founder Dick Marcinko on SEALs in Vietnam

Years ago we had a chance to sit down for an interview with Richard “Demo Dick” Marcinko when he was in town for an event in New York City. For the first time in more than three years, this content is now free for your viewing pleasure. During this portion of the interview, Dick discusses how the Navy SEALs were in high demand during the Vietnam War, as there were no jumps or free falls.

Op-Ed: Mixed Martial Arts vs Krav Maga: Which is better?

I hear it all the time, “If Krav Maga is so good, why isn’t it in Mixed Martial Arts?” It isn’t a bad question. MMA showcases the best martial art styles, so if Krav Maga isn’t represented, then it must not be the heavy hitter that it markets itself to be. MMA revitalized martial arts out of its calcified traditions into the Combat Sport that it is today. In doing so, they reidentified with their namesake, Martial Arts. However, even Combat Sports have not left the arena of art. MMA has rules that ensure a fair fight, such as weight pairings and referees. The athletes train for specific dates against specific opponents to fight in a sterile environment.

GROM: An exclusive look into Poland’s premier counter terrorism unit

In 2013, our team had an opportunity to visit Poland and their premier counter terrorism unit, the GROM. For the first time ever, a US film crew was allowed inside their compound and granted exclusive interviews with GROM operators. Since the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 the GROM have been deployed alongside US Special Operations Forces in Iraq, Afghanistan and elsewhere. During this time, the GROM developed a close working relationship with the US Navy SEALs, and have a well-earned reputation of being one of the fiercest and most competent Special Operations units on the planet.