When I learned that Nick Coffman was departing SOFREP for greener pastures I felt as many of you do. Gut punched. I’d known Nick for about a year in total and only worked with him for a handful of months, but in that short time, I witnessed his unerring quality and his commitment to the work, the writers, and the SOFREP community. Nick’s the guy you want in your foxhole; the guy you want next to you on the firing line. His departure marks a huge loss for SOFREP. 

To make matters worse, his departure is preceded by that of Stavros Atlamazoglou, a man who’s earned the respect of everyone who knows him. While I’ve only ever conversed with Stavros online, I could sense immediately that he possesses the rare combination of grit, selflessness, and intellect. For every article he wrote or edited, there were a hundred tasks — most of them thankless — that he carried out every day without so much as a raised eyebrow. 

It’s in this difficult place which I find myself. 

Let’s call a spade a spade. I’m a relative nobody, maybe even an interloper. I’m an Army Reservist who did a single tour in Afghanistan. I don’t have any tabs. I’m neither an operator nor a grey man.

In fact, you’re probably wondering why the hell I’ve been tapped to be Nick’s replacement as Editor-in-Chief. 

From day one, Nick and Stavros told me that what makes SOFREP unique is the community that it has cultivated. Emanating from the center of this publication are the rings of people — readers, listeners, viewers, subscribers, members — all clinging onto the notion that what’s happening in this world is deeper than the oceans of content on the 24-hour news cycle. More complex than a hashtag. More nuanced than 280 carefully crafted characters can possibly express. It’s the devotion of readers like you that makes this publication more than a URL, a message board, or a Reddit thread. 

But SOFREP is also a place for exchange. Pick any article and you’ll see hundreds of comments from readers deeply invested in the topics, passionately sharing their own experiences, ideas, and insights. Our team of unrivaled staff writers make SOFREP exceptional, our readers make it extraordinary. 

I may not be a highly trained or decorated veteran, but I share the key ingredient that put each of us in uniform in the first place. It’s got a lot of names: patriotism, courage, loyalty, bravery. I call it the burning building complex. It’s the unstoppable impulse to run into a burning building to get everyone out or die trying. To do any less means not living. The day I learned Nick was stepping down I did the only thing I know how to do: I called Brandon and told him I wanted the job.