Since its inception in 1941, the SAS has set a benchmark in special forces training, and not without reason. The rigorous exercises, meticulous attention to detail, and relentless pursuit of excellence that define their training regimen are awe-inspiring. 

The unmatched prowess and skill sets of SAS operatives aren’t born overnight. It takes years to hone them, followed up by consistent grueling training. 

What makes them stand head and shoulders above other special forces worldwide? The secret sauce lies mainly in the British SAS Training Techniques.

You’re about to explore these unparalleled training techniques for those intrigued by military operations or curious souls wondering what sets the SAS apart. It’s a journey that dives deep into the heart of what it truly takes to wear the winged dagger insignia with pride.

The Legendary Selection Process

Established in 1941, the SAS’s ‘Selection’ process has grown to become the gold standard in military training assessments worldwide. Out of every hundred hopefuls that attempt this daunting test, statistics suggest around 15% successfully navigate through. 

The British SAS in 1945. (Wikimedia Commons)

Understanding this unique cornerstone of the British SAS Training Techniques is crucial. The ‘Selection’ is spread over a rigorous four-week schedule designed to push candidates to their utmost limits. 

Starting with basic fitness assessments, it soon escalates to ‘Test Week,’ featuring a series of back-to-back endurance marches across the Brecon Beacons in Wales. The apex of this phase is the infamous ‘Endurance‘ – a staggering 40-mile trek completed in under 20 hours, often bearing a backpack weighing over 55 pounds. US Delta Force adopted this hardcore test, known as “the long walk,” as part of their selection process. 

The unpredictable British weather, from piercing rain to the chilling cold, also plays its part in testing the candidates’ resolve and adaptability. No wonder this Selection process is a testament to endurance, mental toughness, and sheer determination.