While the Pentagon is still dragging its feet to assign blame for the most recent rocket attacks on U.S. interests in Iraq, the Iranian proxy militias have removed any doubt, if there ever was any, of who the perpetrator was: They have stated that they will agree to stop attacking U.S. forces in Iraq if Iraqi Prime Minister Mustafa al-Kadhimi formally demands that the United States withdraws all its troops. 

The Middle East Eye (MEE) news was the first to report on the issue. It seems that these Iranian-backed militias have moved from conducting local security to trying to dictate policy — Tehran’s policy — on the increasingly embattled Kadhimi government. And their coercive tactics have even spelled out a timeline: The militias gave Kadhimi a 12-month window to get this done.

But then the militias turned around and claimed that they had nothing to do with the attacks on the U.S. If in fact, this is true, then what exactly are they pledging to stop attacking?

The group of militias who have made this ultimatum to the Kadhimi government is calling itself the Coordinating Committee for the Resistance Factions and had meetings in Baghdad, Beirut, and Tehran according to MEE.

Iranian and Lebanese militia factions, as well as “an international organization operating in Iraq,” helped craft the message “one acting as a guarantor and another as a negotiator,” according to an unnamed Iraqi official. 

U.S. troops and the coalition fighting the Islamic State inside of Iraq, which is what the militias are supposed to be doing as well, were invited legally into the country by the Iraqi government. 

Meanwhile in Washington, the Biden administration is so intent on restarting nuclear negotiations with Iran that it will go out of its way to avoid upsetting Tehran and thus giving it all the plausible denial it desires. Last week, after a targeted missile strike in Iraq, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin said that the U.S. will do what is necessary to “protect” troops overseas.

But the Pentagon’s statements, even after the president ordered strikes on Iranian-backed militias including Kait’ib Hezbollah (KH) and Kait’ib Sayyid al-Shuhada (KSS), have refused to mention Iran. Pentagon press secretary John Kirby’s insistence on blaming the attacks on “Shia-backed militias” rather than “Iranian-backed militias,” which is what they truly are, is quite telling.