In a recent interview with the Los Angeles Times, Joe Biden provided his own insight into the recent presidential election, in which Donald Trump won what many considered to be a surprise victory over the political favorite and Democratic nominee, Hillary Clinton.

While much of the Democratic party has taken to blaming Clinton’s loss on a myriad of things other than the candidate or her campaign, Biden offered a more realistic take on how the Democrats managed to lose their way.

“My dad used to have an expression. He said, ‘I don’t expect the government to solve my problems. But I expect them to understand it,” Biden said. “I believe that we were not letting an awful lot of people—high school-educated, mostly Caucasian, but also people of color—know that we understood their problems.”

Although many prominent democrats have suggested that Trump’s support came from racist whites, hoping to use their vote as a means to attack minorities, Biden recognized the types of people in the pro-Trump crowds.

“They’re all the people I grew up with. They’re their kids. And they’re not racist. They’re not sexist. But we didn’t talk to them.”

Biden believes that “a bit of elitism” has crept into the Democratic party, causing a rift in the perceptions of voters in the United States. Where he thinks progressive politics benefit the working class, Biden suggests that many now see progressive values and blue collar values as incongruous.

“What are the arguments we’re hearing? ‘Well, we’ve got to be more progressive.’ I’m not saying we should be less progressive,” he said, adding that he would “stack my progressive credentials against anyone” in the party. “We should be proud of where the hell we are, and not yield an inch. But,” he added, “in the meantime, you can’t eat equality. You know?”

Biden’s reasonable approach to the election didn’t start post mortem. In a speech he made at a campaign event for Clinton’s vice presidential nominee, Tim Kaine, he explained the need to try to understand conservative views, instead of disregarding them as many in his party had opted to do.