The Singularity is a hypothetical event that will occur if artificial intelligence (AI) becomes more intelligent than humans. It would result in the creation of a new form of life that has abilities and intelligence that we can’t even imagine. But, what does this mean for the future of the human race? This article will explore some possible scenarios for this event and how it could affect our world.

The term “singularity” is used to describe a point in time when the pace of technological development reaches such a rate that it becomes nearly impossible to predict what will happen next. It’s been theorized that this event could occur when AI overtakes the intelligence of humans, leading to a new life form referred to as Posthumans.

A recent theory suggests that the singularity could occur as soon as 2040. This would be a significant turning point in human history and lead to radical changes in how we live, interact, and exist on earth.

As technology continues to grow at an increasing rate, many believe the Singularity will become inevitable. To prepare for this event, we need to fully understand how it will affect our lives and what our options are moving forward. We should begin thinking about how humanity can evolve with AI instead of against it.

In this article, we’ll explore some possible scenarios of how the singularity event could play out and its potential effect on posthumans.

Photo; Wikimedia Commons


How Would the Singularity Affect the Human Race?

John Von Neumann first proposed the concept of the Technological Singularity. He argued that as machine intelligence continued to improve and grow, there would come the point where it surpassed human intelligence and surpassed it permanently. This event would be called the “Singularity.” It is often associated with the idea that we will be able to transcend our mortal frames and merge with computers at some point in the future. It’s an idea that has been explored in many films such as The Matrix and Terminator. So this leads us to wonder: what does the future hold for humankind if the singularity does happen? Is it worth exploring at all?

The most common question is whether AI will replace humans. The answer to this question is probably no. At the current rate of technological change, it is unlikely that AI will surpass human intelligence by 2040. And even if it does, it’s difficult to say what surpassing human intelligence even means given the wide variation in relative intelligence among humans.  Could an AI robot replace a human organizing file folders in an office? 

Yes, probably.

Could an AI robot replace a theoretical physicist like Stephen Hawking?

Not likely. 

Some people believe that computers will eventually take over all aspects of life and ultimately lead to our extinction. For example, an article called “The World After the Singularity” predicts that “the coming billowing wave of intelligent machines might ultimately end up transforming humanity into a new subspecies.”

Others believe that AI could lead to a utopia where humans live in peace with one another and are free from want. But no matter how you imagine the future, there are some serious ethical concerns with the idea of an artificially intelligent species becoming more intelligent than humans.

One of these concerns is unfairness or discrimination. With AI taking over many jobs in the future, how would we make sure everyone has a fair opportunity? If we don’t, society could become very unequal and unfair for both humans and AI alike.  It is said that “Everyone is equal until you start measuring things,”  how would a society with a significant presence of AI machines running things fit into the equality humans strive for?

Some experts believe that AI will be able to develop its own intelligence and evolve into a new species and might cause some problems for humans. Not too long ago, Facebook shut down two AI programs that they discovered were talking to each other in a strange unknown language. So this may have already occurred.

If AI were to become more intelligent than humans and eventually surpass them in terms of intelligence, what would this mean for the human race?

It could mean a new epoch of discovery and innovation.  AI could assist humans in not repeating mistakes of their own past when doing scientific experiments.  AI, could enhance the capabilities of humans not only mentally, but also physically.  Look at the photo below.  That is a robotic, prosthetic limb that uses AI to interface with the human who is using it.  In this case, AI has not replaced the human, but the arm of a human allowing him to return to duty in the military with a functioning arm.



Summing It All Up

The truth is, we don’t really know what would happen. There’s some speculation that AI could control the future of our world if it becomes smarter than us. It would affect our economy, politics, population, and social structures in ways we can’t even imagine. Some people think that AI might end up completely replacing human jobs or even enslaving us like in science fiction books such as “I Robot” or “The Matrix.”

These are some scary thoughts about what could happen if AI becomes too intelligent, and that lack of knowing is probably what inspires the fear.

No one knows for sure what will happen, but consider this!

If the Singularity does happen, we might be able to transcend our mortal frames and fuse with computers. There are a lot of benefits to this idea. Imagine if you could upload your conscious mind to a computer so that what you experienced in life, what you witnessed and what you learned could live on to inform future generations of Mankind? Experts have also predicted that humanity will be able to create virtual worlds that would live on after their deaths to become a kind of virtual immortality. Imagine zipping around in your personal spaceship and exploring new worlds like Captain Kirk in Star Trek! Pretty cool, right?

However, there are also some potential consequences to the singularity. If computers are smarter than humans, what happens if they go rogue? Will they develop their own consciousnesses and decide that humans aren’t necessary anymore? And then there’s the problem of artificial intelligence taking over—will it lead to all-out war or an apocalypse?  Is it possible that smart machines that become self-aware would end up worshipping humans as their Gods and Creators?

Right now the future and the Singularity are like looking into a dark room and trying to describe what is inside of it.   Little by little as time progresses, we can bring light into that room and have a better idea about what is inside.  What should not be forgotten is that human beings shape their own future when it comes to how intelligent they allow machines to become.  

It’s all in your hands.

This is TARS saying, “See you on the other side Coop.”