Wales, United Kingdom—Exercise Cambrian Patrol: Is this the world’s toughest military exercise?

Forty-eight hours. Over 40 miles across the arduous Brecon Beacons. Weather conditions: awful. Personal loads in the excess of 80 pounds. Who will win?

Did I mention that Cambrian Patrol is an unofficial race?

The annual exercise is organised by the 160th Infantry Brigade of the British army. Every year, the Welsh-based brigade is responsible for creating an event that contains the most difficult tasks that an infantry patrol might encounter. Patrols from units across the British military are welcomed, as well as units from foreign countries.

Last year, patrols from over 23 nations competed for the challenge and the glory. Points are awarded and deducted over a patrol’s performance. A unit from the Pakistani Army managed to win the gold.

This year, more than 139 units from 28 countries are competing.

The Brecon Beacons, where the SAS also hold their selection process, are famous for their strenuous terrain and unpredictable weather. And like all realistic exercises should be, Cambrian Patrol won’t be easily cancelled due to bad weather conditions. This year, for example, the exercise is taking place amid a storm.

But what tasks does the exercise actually contain, and why is it considered the hardest in the world?