A Russian spy named “Elvira Karaeva,” reportedly worked in Russian intelligence before infiltrating ISIS for four years in Russia’s North Caucasus. She worked her way through the ranks of the organization and revealed their locations, which resulted in multiple ISIS deaths. According to the Islamic State (ISIS) Al-Hayat Media Center’s fourth issue of its Russian-language online magazine Istok (“The Source”):

In this article, we want to tell you about a girl who called herself a Muslim. Her story has shaken even the strongest of minds, since in the understanding of every believer, a Muslim woman is one who worships Allah, obeys her husband, raises a God-fearing generation; she is a preserver of the hearth and home. As Allah the Almighty said: ‘I created the Jinns and the human beings only that they might worship Me’ ([Koran chapter] The Winnowing Winds, verse 56). A Muslim woman is Allah’s beautiful creation, made for beautiful things. Made to be concealed from foreign eyes, to save herself only for the man allowed to her, to lead a righteous and pious life. But our story is about the woman who limited herself only to the external attributes of Islam and chose another way in life. The abominable way of disobedience to Allah, incurring His anger and displeasure.

“In the circle of believers, she called herself Sumayah. But if we compare her life story to that of the famous martyr Sumayah, may Allah be pleased with her, we can boldly claim that they are as different as stinking, repulsive carrion is different from a fragrant, delightful flower. For the same reason, it seems more appropriate to use her previous name – Elvira – when mentioning her. She does not deserve to be called by the same name as the first martyr, the first martyr in Islam, the one who, while still alive, was informed by the Messenger of Allah that she and her family will be in Paradise.

“So what did Elvira Karaeva do, why did she deserve all these negative descriptions? She did something that deprives a person of their status as a Muslim…

“Elvira the apostate gave information to the Russian special services about our brothers and sisters waging jihad in the patch of Allah in the Caucasus Province (wilayah al-Qawqaz). She shamelessly wormed her way into the confidence of true servants of Allah and then disclosed their location and contacts, thus making them easy prey for the henchmen of taghut.[1] Because of her contemptible actions and close contacts with the FSB [i.e. the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation], many of our brothers and sisters became martyrs.

“But before we continue to describe her case in detail, let’s answer the following question: What is the meaning of this wrongdoing from the point of view of shari’a law, and what made a modest-looking girl wearing a black hijab do it? In order to answer, we shall first have to look at the question from the aspect of religious knowledge.

“To begin, we shall point out that this deed violates one of the greatest foundations of the Islamic faith, which is Al-Wala’ wal-Bara’ [loyalty to Muslims and renunciation of non-Muslims]. It is the basis that fighters fight for and believers give up their spirit for. It is an inviolable borderline set by Allah to preserve the ideology, morals, and principles of the believers. And naturally, he who has ruined this foundation loses his religion. He who has lost this core deprives his testimony of any value. For the acknowledgement that there is nobody worthy of worship except Allah is followed by obligatory renunciation of taghut and by manifestation of hatred towards and renunciation of its adherents.

“That is why this deed, that is, helping infidels against Muslims, is an even weightier and dirtier sin, according to shari’a, than adultery or killing a Muslim, even though it is punished in the same way. Proof of the gravity of this deed and its magnitude according to the fundamental principles of Islam is in the ayah where Allah the Almighty says: ‘O you who believe! Do not take the Jews and the Christians for helpers or friends, for they are friends to each other. He among you who takes them for helpers and friends is one of them’ ([Koran chapter] The Table Spread, verse 51)…