Communication Breakdown

In a coordinated operation involving multiple federal agencies, eight individuals from Tajikistan with suspected ties to ISIS-K have been detained in the United States. The arrests were carried out by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and the FBI’s Joint Terrorism Task Force in New York, Los Angeles, and Philadelphia. These individuals had illegally crossed into the U.S. from the southern border in 2023 and 2024.

Tajikistan, for those not in the know, is a Central Asian country bordering Afghanistan (and China). ISIS-K is the Islamic State-Khorasan Province. It is a branch of the Islamic State (IS), a Salafi group operating mainly out of Afghanistan and Pakistan. Their goal is to establish a caliphate across South and Central Asia, which they intend to rule under a strict interpretation of sharia law.  Needless to say, they are not huge fans of the United States of America. The fact that they have been located in our nation should have us all seeing huge red flags waving in the breeze.

Image Credit: Encyclopedia Britannica

Despite initial screenings that did not flag them as threats, subsequent intelligence linked them to ISIS-K, prompting their detention.

All eight were on the radar of the FBI Joint Terrorism Taskforce (JTTF) when they illegally crossed the border. Therefore, this begs the question: Is DHS running the names of those they detain past the FBI before they release them into the country? In this case, the answer seems to be “no.” 

The men are currently held in ICE custody, facing removal proceedings rather than immediate terrorism charges due to insufficient evidence of an active plot.

Wonderful, we may be sending them home to regroup and reorganize. Don’t we have a few open cells left at GITMO?

Background of the Arrests

The individuals detained are originally from Tajikistan, a country that has seen significant recruitment by ISIS-K. In March 2024, ISIS-K members from Tajikistan were involved in a deadly attack on a concert hall in Russia, which resulted in the deaths of 145 people. This history raised concerns among U.S. intelligence agencies about the potential for similar attacks on American soil.

FBI Director Christopher Wray has emphasized the heightened threat environment in the U.S., particularly concerning potential coordinated attacks inspired by foreign terrorist organizations like ISIS-K. Wray has highlighted the increased risk of domestic terrorism, especially following calls from ISIS for attacks on the U.S. and its allies.