The Israeli Air Force (IAF) has conducted numerous airstrikes in Syria since the civil war began. It continues to target Iranian troop concentrations, missile and weapons warehouses, and Iranian-led proxy militias, including Hezbollah. 

The IAF has been pummeling the Iranians, and their proxies, with airstrikes that are exacting a heavy toll.

The Tehran regime never publicly admits to losses of troops. Nevertheless, the Iranian people are well aware of the human and financial costs — especially since cash is in short supply in the country. As a result, an increasingly negative sentiment has been developing in the country. 

To minimize the effect of Israeli airstrikes, Iranian commanders are getting creative in trying to hide their troops, rockets, and missiles. They have begun storing and basing them in civilian residences and commercial buildings. To do that, they are buying, investing, and, in some cases, seizing abandoned property in the area bordering Israel, according to a recent post on the Strategy Page. 

The Israelis, however, have outstanding intelligence and surveillance capabilities in Syria, which allow them to still identify targets. To undermine Israeli intelligence, the Iranians have reportedly been trying to buy the loyalty of the local Sunni population along the Israeli border. Among other measures, they have started floating loans to the Sunnis who are in the midst of a failing economy and facing hard times. 

Although the locals are stuck in the middle, the Sunnis along the Israeli border have long detested the regime of Bashar Assad and its Iranian allies.

Besides the kinetic attacks, the Israelis are also using psychological operations (PSYOP) against the Syrian civilians and troops by conducting a leaflet campaign on the Syrian side of the Golan Heights. The leaflets warn civilians to stay away from Iranian bases and to stop any cooperation with Iran’s troops and Hezbollah.  

While most of the leaflets are directed toward civilians, some target Syrian military units. One such leaflet warned a Syrian unit to stop cooperating with Hezbollah and accused the unit’s commander of putting his and his troops’ lives in danger.