The Syrian government claimed that on Wednesday its air defenses intercepted an Israeli airstrike in central Syria, state news agency SANA reported quoting a military source.

The Israeli warplanes reportedly fired missiles from the direction of the al-Tanf area in southeastern Syria near the Syrian-Iraqi border and the Israeli-held Golan Heights. They targeted the T4 airbase, the largest in the country, in the central province of Homs, SANA said. The missile attack started at 10:40 pm. Residents of Damascus said they heard explosions south of the city.

SANA reported that the Syrian air defenses intercepted most of the missiles and the rest caused only light damage and no casualties. This is a familiar boast of the Syrian military. However, most reputable military analysts usually dismiss the Syrian claims. 

The British-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) war monitor also reported the strikes. It said that Israel targeted military posts south of Damascus and that Syrian air defenses responded to the attack.

The Israel Defense Forces did not comment on the reported strikes, in accordance with Israeli policy.

The reported airstrikes occurred just two days after Israel was said to have launched missiles at targets in Syria’s south, killing at least three people according to SANA.

Brig. Gen. Hidai Zilberman, an IDF spokesman, said on Tuesday regarding Israeli involvement in the Monday night missile airstrike: “The Israel Defense Forces have an interest and strategic goals on the northern front, and we are doing everything necessary to achieve our targets.

The SOHR reported that a total of 11 people, mostly military personnel, were killed in the Israeli missile strikes on the capital Damascus and Daraa province in southern Syria in Monday’s attack. According to SOHR, the dead were a civilian woman, three Syrian soldiers, and seven foreign fighters, among them Iran-backed paramilitary fighters.