Israeli ground forces have now begun to attack Hamas in Gaza. Meanwhile, Israel Air Force (IAF) continues to carry out devastating air strikes early on Friday morning. 

Hamas has launched over 1,800 rockets towards Israel since Monday. Some of the rockets showcase a much longer range than many Israeli intelligence agencies believed possible. Yet, this is only a fraction of the 30,000 rockets and mortar projectiles Israeli intelligence estimates that Hamas has.

Many of Hamas’s rockets fell short of their destined targets and landed on their own people.

Israeli “Iron Dome” air defense missile systems have been very effective, shooting down about 90 percent of the targeted rockets. Israel claims that Hamas’s longer-range rockets are being built domestically with technical assistance from Iran. 

Lynchings and Mob Violence in Israeli Mixed Cities

The violence has taken an even uglier turn in mixed Arab-Israeli cities where mobs of Arabs and Jews have set about attacking people in lynching attacks. There is also widespread looting and arson. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu described the situation as  “anarchy.” He appealed  to both sides for an end to the “lynchings.”

“Nothing justifies the lynching of Jews by Arabs, and nothing justifies the lynching of Arabs by Jews,” Netanyahu said.

While visiting the mixed city of Lod on Thursday night, the Israeli prime minister added, “There is no greater threat now than these riots, and it is essential to bring back law and order with these means.” 

A building housing Hamas operations is engulfed in fireballs following an Israeli Air Force strike.
Huge fireballs erupt in Gaza as the Israeli Air Force conducts airstrikes against Hamas on Thursday. (Jerusalem Post)

Hamas Will Take Years to Recover From the Airstrikes

The Israeli Air Force seems intent on eliminating senior Hamas leadership with drone and airstrikes. It has hit over 750 targets, eliminating at least 60 Hamas fighters including a reported 10 senior commanders.