Japan is bolstering its maritime defense capabilities with the acquisition of new Mogami-class frigates, known as FFMs (Frigates Multi-Mission), in response to the evolving security environment in the Asia-Pacific region.

These multi-stealth frigates represent a significant enhancement over their predecessors, with advancements in technology, armament, and strategic planning.

In this article, we will explore the details of this defense upgrade, including the key features of the new FFMs, the rationale behind the acquisition, and the broader context of Japan’s maritime defense strategy.

The Evolution of the Mogami-Class Frigates

The Japanese Ministry of Defense (MoD) has recently unveiled its plan to acquire 12 new Mogami-class FFMs from 2024 to 2028, demonstrating its commitment to fortifying the country’s maritime defenses.

The Mogami-class frigates have played a crucial role in Japan’s naval forces, but as security challenges evolve, the need for enhanced capabilities has become imperative.

The new FFMs are being constructed at an impressive pace, with two ships scheduled for production each year.

The shipbuilding process takes place at two facilities – one in Nagasaki and the other in Tamano – with Mitsubishi Heavy Industries and its subsidiary, Maritime Systems, leading the way.