In coastal California, where I grew up, there was a low military presence. I rarely saw a member of the military. My grandfather and great grandfather, whom I considered my best friends, had both retired from the Air Force. My mother had served for 13 years and my father for three. So while I may not have grown up with the military straight in my face, subtle things were instilled in me throughout my childhood, such as respect for our flag.

In high school, I was a bad student. I cared more about lifting weights and making friends than I did for my studies. I was also a stand-out athlete with great potential to play college ball.

While my parents did not force college down my throat or provided a solid guide, I probably wouldn’t have listened had they done so anyway. During my senior year in high school, I didn’t even take my SATs. I knew I wanted to join the military.

Coming from a long line of Air Force lineage — my great grandfather served on the Joint Chiefs of Staff during Vietnam — you’d think the Air Force recruiter would have an easy sell, but I never went to see him. I wanted to be an Army Ranger! When the young motivated Sergeant came to my house and showed my father the hooah video, I thought maybe even my dad was going to join with me, it was that enthusing. So, off to the boot camp I went.

While many talk about how easy or fun boot camp was for them, I didn’t have fun at all; it was a nightmare. This honestly was exactly what the California kid, who thought he was the toughest on the block, probably needed. After the camp, I was assigned my Military Occupational Specialty (MOS): 11M.

What the hell is 11M, and what the hell is a Bradley Fighting Vehicle? And do they even have Rangers in Kansas? Not so much, but that was my next stop.

Stepping off the plane in Kansas in flip-flops, board shorts, and a hoodie, you could feel the winter wind that whips through the state and cuts to the bone. (Keep in mind that when I was 18 we didn’t have phones to check the weather). I dumped my duffle bags and put just about everything on. What had I gotten myself into?

Luckily the unit I was in was great. My first Army “battle buddy,” Jeremy, took me under his wing and showed me the ropes. Today, over 20 years later, we are still close.