Clint Emerson and I go back. Way back. We were roommates on my first deployment with SEAL Team 3, Golf platoon, and managed to mostly stay out of trouble….

Clint was also a close friend of Glen Doherty’s, and we were both hit pretty hard with his death in Libya. Glen just wasn’t supposed to go.

I had an opportunity to interview Clint before his upcoming book tour to promote the release of his first book, “100 Deadly Skills.” Enjoy.

JSOC Operator Clint Emerson Talks Survival, Defeating Bad Guys, and Assassinating Heads of State

Brandon: If you had to choose one word to describe your service in the SEAL teams, JSOC, and elsewhere we can’t mention, what would it be?

​Clint: Unbelievable.

I’ve read your book “100 Deadly Skills” cover-to-cover, and it’s bad ass, man. I also ordered a couple for my two boys, too. What was the inspiration behind the book?

​My motivators were bad guys—lone wolves—inspired terrorists and hackers. I want good people to be more offensive, more violent, and take more ownership of their personal security. ​When people hear the word survival, thoughts of sparking flint to make fire, building shelters from tree limbs, and fishing with shoelaces pop into mind. These are great skills, but they do not match the skills needed to survive current threats. Our natural-born instincts are not good enough; we have to arm ourselves with a higher level of education beyond setting snares with fishing line. Survival skills for today include cyber threat awareness, active-shooter response, civil unrest, and violent action against terrorists. ​”100 Deadly Skills” prepares you for today’s threats.​