This is Part III of a three-part series. You can read Part I here. Read Part II here

In 2006, a year after our cross-country adventure in the little Cessna, I left the service. The first thing I did as a civilian was to follow Glen’s footsteps (and John Zinn’s) into the world of private security contracting. Glen, as usual, knew the right people, and he helped get my application fast-tracked. So, that by the time I left the service, I already had a deployment date set in the shadowy world of private-contract security work. 

It is a realm most people don’t know much about, but private-contract security work is a noble calling that gave people like John Zinn, Glen, and me the opportunity to keep serving our country and making the world a safer place even after taking off the uniform.

In the Special Operations community, we have a belief that there are three types of people in the world. First are the “wolves.” What most would call “evil people.” They are the rapists and murderers, the psychopaths and extremists who prey on the weak and use violence and fear to achieve their goals. In the 20th century, they stood on stages and commanded armies, if they were lucky. In the 21st, they hide in the shadows, guide planes into skyscrapers, and delude their recruits into blowing themselves up in public places.

Then there are the “sheep.” Good people, everyday people who go about their lives, able to do so in safety only because they are protected from the wolves. For the most part, they are not aware of the wolves, or that they are being protected from them. They may not even really believe that there are wolves out there ready to cause them harm. But there are.

But “sheepdogs” are acutely aware of it.

Sheepdogs can look like wolves, and may at times even be mistaken for them, but they serve the opposite cause. They exist not to prey on sheep but to protect them and those who cannot protect themselves, as Mike Bearden explained to his dad. They are here for one purpose: to look after the safety of the flock.

Here’s an easy way to understand the difference between sheepdogs and everyone else. Most people, when they hear about a terrorist event or violent attack, think, “Thank God I wasn’t in that movie theater or on that plane.” A sheepdog hears about the same event and says, “Damn — I wish I’d been there!” Why? Because maybe he could have done something to stop it from happening.