Another military blunder for the Russian tank units has been discovered during their pullout from the Kyiv region. A drone captured footage of a lone Ukrainian T-64BV tank and its crew ambushing a Russian armored column leaving multiple military vehicles destroyed.

The Ukrainian tank is seen positioned on the side of the road, hidden behind what seemed to be two houses, leaving a space to fire at the Russians and taking advantage of a clever vantage point. It position suggests it was tasked with covering the intersection at left and probably was supported by unseen ground forces a well.

The attack was reported to be conducted during the Russian retreat to Belarus, where they are expected to re-supply and return to fighting in Donbas. The recorded footage was reported to be in the town of Nova Basan, some 60 miles from the capital city. Further geolocation efforts reveal that the exact location of the fight was at HO7 highway, which connects Kyiv, Sumy, and Kharkiv. It is believed that the Russian convoy in question is from the Dmytro Korchynsky Brotherhood Battalion, otherwise known as the Bratstvo Battalion.

Подвиг українських танкістів! Один танк, один екіпаж показав просто блискуче тактичне рішення, домігся раптовості, вміло маневрував, показав високий військовий інтелект. Це просто взірець дій танку в обороні та в складній та хаотичній обстановці реального бою. Допоможіть знайти командира танка, це видатний професіонал високого рівня, гідний найвищих відзнак та сприяння. Ім’я до перемоги світити не будемо, але для історії треба увічнити подію. Прошу відгукнутись героів.

Posted by Юрій Бутусов on Tuesday, April 5, 2022