The resignation of Lieutenant General (ret.) Michael Flynn was just announced this evening following the controversy of his communications with Russian Ambassador Sergei Kislyak regarding sanctions prior to President Trump taking office. Concern was raised after the Department of Justice and members of the intelligence community were concerned VP Pence was misled by Flynn and it could make Flynn vulnerable in the future. According to the Washington Post, Flynn denied discussing the sanctions with the Russian Ambassador in a recent interview.

In a Feb. 8 interview with The Washington Post, Flynn categorically denied discussing sanctions with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak, repeating public assertions made in January by top Trump officials. One day after the interview, Flynn revised his account, telling The Post through a spokesman that he “couldn’t be certain that the topic never came up.”- Washington Post

President Trump has named Flynn’s interim replacement, Keith Kellogg as the acting National Security Advisor.

Below is reportedly Flynn’s resignation letter:

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