I already know what you are thinking… “another foundation?” It seems like everyone and their mother has a foundation going these days. Well guess what? Your mother just got another one – the MARSOC Foundation. Of all of the great organizations out there doing wonderful things for our injured and returning Warriors, this one is by far my favorite. But I must admit, I am extremely biased on this one.

Since the horrific events of 9/11, the demands on Special Operations Forces and their families have been unprecedented in our Nation’s history.

Today, MARSOC is deployed in over 40 countries around the world. The average MARSOC Critical Skills Operator is away from home and family more than 50% of the time, either on deployment or out-of-area training. During their service to our country, they are often exposed to combat and other hazardous activities that can have immediate and lasting impacts. As demand grows for the unique services of MARSOC, so too does the need for benevolent support.

The MARSOC Foundation was established to provide benevolent support to active duty and medically retired MARSOC personnel and their families as well as to the families of Marines who have lost their lives in service to our Nation.

The Foundation aims to meet needs unmet by the government with an emphasis on building personal and family resiliency and supporting the full reintegration of MARSOC Marines and Sailors following wounds, injuries and extended deployments. Please visit help support and spread the word about this worthy organization!

The MARSOC Foundation is a 501(c)(3), tax exempt, national non-profit charitable foundation. Tax ID # 45-2913544


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