Here’s a post by Abby A., contributing writer for our upcoming Military Posh website, with some nice thoughts for Memorial Day.

I used to work in a city that lined their main roads through town with huge white crosses and American flags. On each cross was the name of a hero. They would begin setting these up about a week prior to Memorial Day. In nearly ten years I worked in that city I tried to read all the names. Through the years they became familiar. I would imagine what they would say to us if they had the chance.

Please just remember, they beg.

If at no other time of the year, remember me today.

Do you remember what I gave?

Do you even remember who I was?

I was the kid next door. I was your friend. I sat behind you in calculus. I was the one that lifeguarded with you at the pool that summer. I was the one too young to sign the contract. So, instead of knowing that I lied about my age, my mother let me.

I was the one who didn’t want to, but I did it anyway because I knew someone else would just have to take my place.