The impact of the COVID-19 on Individuals and Communities has taken its toll.

The COVID-19 (coronavirus) outbreak has the potential to increase stress and anxiety, both because of the fear of catching the virus and because of uncertainty about how the outbreak will affect all us socially and economically. 

The pandemic is presenting every level of the U.S. economy with an unprecedented challenge, and the government must mount a sustained and ambitious economic response lasting months and perhaps years.

The recovery program likely will cost trillions of dollars, on top of the relief measures already approved by Congress and President Trump. Aggressive investment and well-designed policy measures could bring the economy back faster and with less long-term distress for workers and businesses. And the nation can afford the investment.

Coping with the Stress of COVID-19

When dealing with the stress and anxiety caused by the COVID-19 outbreak, improving your health, quality of life, and wellbeing is the way to go. But it sometimes is a Catch-22 situation, unfortunately: The things that can help the most are the things that are also the most difficult to do at times.

Yet, there is a big difference between what’s difficult and what’s impossible. While controlling anxiety isn’t quick or easy, you do have more control than you realize; even if your anxiety is severe and stubbornly persistent. The key to success is to start small and build from there, just one brick at a time. You may not have much energy, but by counting on all your reserves, you should have enough energy to take a walk around the block or pick up the phone to call a loved one, for example.

Take care of yourself, your community, your friends, and your family; it can help you cope with stress. Assisting others also creates positive ripples.

Also, make it a point to not constantly read about the pandemic. Although it is important to be staying informed, hearing about the pandemic repeatedly can be upsetting. 

Make a schedule and stick to it. Get up and dressed. The first step to getting a good routine in place is to determine your wake-up time, bedtime, and mealtimes. These are not set-in-stone times, but if you have a general guideline to follow, it helps bring order and structure to your days.