• Hey SOFREP Mafia! We hope you have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Here are some Christmas wishes from the writers of SOFREP.- Desiree

May 2017 be nothing like 2016…fuckers – Vasilis Chronopoulos

Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Kwanzaa and whatever else you celebrate…best wishes for a safe and prosperous 2017 from the only chocolate chip in the SOFREP cookie!James Powell 

Happy Holidays Mafia.- Brandon Webb

Shitters full.- Derek Gannon

Happy Holidays FamKurt Trotter

Wishing you the best ChristmaHanukKwanzIvus!The Odyssean

Merry Christmas and happy holidays to all!Alex Hollings

Find, recover & return the 1,618 remaining MIAs in Southeast Asia, including 50 SF in Laos.John Stryker Meyer