There is no better place to look for mysteries than in the military world, whether creepy, intriguing, unexplained phenomena or unidentifiable sightings. With that, here are some of the mysterious events that happened in the military world.

This Young Marine Officer Predicted The Pearl Harbor Attack Like A Psychic

Lieutenant Colonel Earl Hancock “Pete” Ellis was a military genius. He enlisted in the Marine Corps in 1900 and was commissioned a second lieutenant one year after. When the General Board of the Navy said that the mission of the Marines was to secure bases in advance for its landing forces, Ellis immediately worked on perfecting the concept of amphibious warfare, writing a number of essays about it. He once again proved his genius when he served in France and designed a strategy for them to capture Mont Blanc Ridge in World War I, which they successfully did. For that, he was awarded both the Navy Cross and French Croix de Guerre.

From the Earl H. “Pete” Ellis Collection (COLL/3246) at the Archives Branch, Marine Corps History Division (USMC Archives from Quantico, USACC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons)

Pete Ellis was depressed and alcoholic. Before alcoholism was considered a disease, people who suffered from it were often looked over, and Pete was one of them. Regardless, he predicted that the United States would fight a major war with the Japanese as if he watched on a movie screen the troops landing on the beaches at Guadalcanal, Tarawa, Guam, and Iwo Jima. This, he wrote in his masterpiece titled, “Operations Plan 712-H: Advanced Base Operations in Micronesia.”

As Ballendorf and Merrill L. Bartlett wrote in their book called “Pete Ellis: An Amphibious Warfare Prophet,” they wrote:

Ellis predicted three phases in such a naval campaign: first, the reduction of the Marshalls; second, seizing of the Carolines as far west as Yap; and third, the taking of the remainder of the Carolines, including the Palaus.

In 1920 Ellis predicted that the US and Japan would go to war and that it would begin with a very successful first strike by the Japanese. He even wrote that the naval service had to be more forward-deployed and suggested Hawaii as a new base for the Navy. Furthermore, he said that the success of any landings would be greatly dependent on pre-invasion bombardment and isolation of the target. Because of his papers, he was sent to planning staff for Marine Corps and worked in intelligence for most of his career.

Ellis died on 12 May 1923  at the young age of 43 while on the island Parao (now Palau),  in the Caroline Islands. He had asked for a leave of absence to travel in the Pacific to assess the capabilities of the Japanese which the Marine Corps granted him.  Supposedly, he was on a secret mission after the Japanese “denied access to foreigners in Micronesia,” and he was supposed to uncover what they were up to. Reports said it was due to alcoholism, although there were speculations that the Japanese poisoned him.

Ape-like Creatures of The Vietnam Jungles

The jungles of Vietnam during the Vietnam War were not only laced with booby traps and dangerous animals and enemies that surely wanted you dead but of a mysterious creature known as the Batutut— bipedal human-like creatures with reddish hair and ape-like features. The locals called them Ujit or Người rừng, which somewhat translates to “jungle people.”