Read Murder in America: How cops may have caught the most prolific serial killer in US history at a homeless shelter (Part 1).

A 2012 arrest of Samuel Little on narcotics charges at a homeless shelter in Kentucky resulted in a DNA match for three unsolved Los Angeles murders. Now, Little has claimed to have killed as many as 90 people. With three consecutive life sentences ahead of him, it seemed possible that Little was simply trying to gain some notoriety with his claims… that is, until the FBI and Texas Rangers began corroborating his testimony with unsolved murders. So far, law enforcement has linked Little to at least 34 murders, with many more investigations still ongoing.

“He remembers where he was, and what car he was driving,” an FBI statement said about his claimed slayings. “He draws pictures of many of the women he killed.”

Samuel Little (Wise County Jail)

“Over the course of that interview in May, he went through city and state and gave Ranger Holland the number of people he killed in each place. Jackson, Mississippi — one; Cincinnati, Ohio — one; Phoenix, Arizona — three; Las Vegas, Nevada — one,” said crime analyst Christina Palazzolo.

The most pressing question at the root of this story is: how is it possible that someone could get away with killing so many people for so long in modern America?

As of 2016, the nationwide murder “clearance rate,” or the rate in which murders were solved, was only 59.4%. That means a bit more than 40% of all murders in our country never lead to a conviction, but even those statistics can be a bit misleading. In some parts of major cities, as few as 33% of murders will result in law enforcement even making an arrest, let alone following through to any conviction. To put that another way, in some parts of Atlanta, Chicago, Baltimore, and many other cities, 7 out of 10 murders go unsolved.

Many cite the high crime of the 70’s and 80’s as responsible for American law enforcement’s difficulty nailing down violent crimes today. Police methodology has shifted in recent decades toward an emphasis on crime prevention, rather than solving crimes that have already occurred, and as a result, there are fewer resources to devote to each murder. Others contend it’s often disinterest on the part of law enforcement in high crime areas — particularly those with minority populations.

In recent years, some have begun to suggest that the popular anti-police sentiment among the people and politicians has led to a reduction in murder clearance rates.