Note: This is part of a series, co-written by Yankee Papa and James Powell. You can read part one and part two here.

In early June 2015, China announced that it would hold military exercises along the Burmese border, to include firing artillery shells into certain jungle areas. Though not officially stated, these exercises were likely in response to fighting between Burmese troops and ethnic Chinese Kokang rebels, which is taking place within a few hundred meters of Chinese border settlements.

These clashes, which began in February of this year, have resulted in the unintended deaths of five Chinese civilians and the wounding of many more. An additional cost has been the involuntary relocation (mostly into China) of nearly 100,000 Burmese tribal civilians.

It must be said that China is by no means the victim in all of this confusion. The Chinese government has invested heavily in northern Burma, and the recent fighting has prompted them to put pressure on the Burmese government to enact measures to protect those investments. In turn, the Burmese have been quite unhappy with what they view as a lack of Chinese commitment in joint cooperation to curb the smuggling of Chinese arms into their country, which then move on to rebels in India.

Myanmar Troops

Multi-national smuggling is another facet that complicates the situation in the region. Security forces in both nations are taking a harder look at the problem, and Thailand, Bangladesh, and Malaysia have joined the effort. Adding to the death toll from cross-border skirmishes, smugglers often resist security force interdiction, and firefights have resulted.

The main cause of the mass exodus that has proven highly profitable for human smugglers has been linked to anti-Muslim violence in Burma, which began around 2012. As noted, most of the violence has been directed toward Rohingya muslims, with thousands ending up missing after boarding boats to be smuggled south. It is believed that upwards of 10,000 people a month are leaving the region, with 75 percent of them originating in Burma (Myanmar).

For her part, China continues to play a hand in the fighting that is driving people out, mostly in the form of presenting a major market for heroin and other drugs, as well as providing the main source of military equipment for the rebels. Despite efforts by the Kokang rebels to begin negotiations, fighting in the north continues. The Kokang have long been affiliated with the Myanmar Nationalities Democratic Alliance Army (MNDAA), which is comprised mostly of ethnic Chinese (much to the chagrin of the Chinese government).