National Geographic Channel’s new series is starting this July… Eyewitness War

***UPDATE*** Series begins Monday, July 1 at 10:00 pm EST. The MARSOC/ODA episode is scheduled to air July 29 at 10:00 pm EST. More information can be found at the official website > Eyewitness War


So set your TiVo, Direct TV, Dish Network, DVD-R, VCR (VHS or Betamax) to record this new series. As for me, I have shaken off the shackles of cable ever since Direct TV tried to rape me (please come remove your satellite dish from the side of my house before I rip it off with my bare hands). So this only leaves me with the option of breaking into my neighbor’s house – sorry in advance Pete – to watch the episode that shows the men of MSOT 8222 and ODA 1314 hand delivering a can of whoop-ass to the Taliban.

Following in the bootprints of its successful war series “Inside Combat Rescue,” the National Geographic Channel decided to continue providing the public with content they really want to watch and learn about. “EyeWitness War” follows the men and women of the Army, Navy, Marines, DEA, Coast Guard and other forces as they deal with battles, drug trafficking and explosives. “EyeWitness War highlights the dangerous missions and perils of war through the eyes of our brave American service members as the fighting is happening,” said Michael Cascio, Nat Geo executive vice president of programming. “This show is compelling and frightfully honest. I am proud that our network is telling the stories of these heroes, and using their own words.”


Ski’s spin on things: Okay, I am a little biased on this one because a few teammates and I provided interviews and footage for one of the episodes. Me and two other team members from MSOT 8222 gave candid interviews about the HD helmet camera footage that was recorded on April 6, 2010 in the village of Daneh Pasab, Afghanistan. This episode will be the first introduction for many people  to MARSOC, and it will highlight the strong bond these newest SOCOM Marines share with their Special Forces brothers. It was a great experience, and I have full confidence in the production team at Karga7 to put together an amazing piece of work. Nothing says ass-kicking like an ODA/MSOT mix on a mission downrange.

The MARSOC and ODA espisode is #11 and should air sometime in early September. After the episode airs I will post a follow-up article where we can have a Q&A for the SOFREP Mafia.