The Tragic Death of Kyle Mullen and Its Aftermath

Captain Brad Geary is facing significant scrutiny and potential disciplinary action following the death of 24-year-old SEAL candidate Kyle Mullen, who died of acute bacterial pneumonia shortly after completing the grueling “Hell Week” portion of Navy SEAL training (commonly known as BUD/S) in February 2022. Mullen’s death has prompted two separate investigations that have exposed multiple issues within the training program and raised serious concerns about leadership at the Naval Special Warfare Center.

Investigations Uncover a Toxic Training Culture

The first investigation, conducted by Naval Special Warfare (NSW) Command, determined that Mullen’s death was due to pneumonia, which was exacerbated by an enlarged heart. However, a second, more comprehensive investigation conducted by an independent Navy command outside the SEAL community revealed deeper issues, including a toxic training culture that encouraged recruits to hide injuries and avoid seeking medical help for fear of being seen as weak. This investigation also pointed out that the training staff, including Captain Geary, who was, at the time, the leader of the command running BUD/S, failed to implement adequate medical oversight and instead allowed a culture of overzealous and unchecked behavior among the trainers.

Geary was removed from command and was at first told he would be taken to Admiral’s Mast over the incident. An Admiral’s Mast is a disciplinary proceeding in the U.S. Navy and Coast Guard where a commanding officer, often an admiral or a senior officer, addresses offenses committed by enlisted personnel or junior officers. It is a non-judicial punishment (NJP) under the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ), meaning it is not a formal court-martial but rather an administrative hearing.

Geary refused the Mast, as is his right because it does not involve full due process protections. According to, Geary’s attorney informed the Commander of Naval Special Warfare last December that his client refused the mast because “they had a strong reason to believe a guilty verdict has been predetermined.” The captain now faces a board of inquiry. Regarding that process, Geary told the press:

“In that strict administrative process, they have the ability to retire us as other than honorable and demote us in our retirement, which…those have lifelong consequences associated with them. It is a very strange way for them to use this administrative system they will continue to tell you is not punitive, but it really is in practice.” 

The investigations specifically highlighted Geary’s decision to reduce the role of civilian instructors—veteran SEALs tasked with providing a balanced perspective and maintaining safety. Instead, the program became more dependent on less experienced active-duty instructors, contributing to an environment where safety protocols were not always followed. Reports indicate that Mullen, like many other candidates, was reluctant to seek medical attention despite serious symptoms because of the pressure to complete training at any cost for fear of being rolled back or put out of the program.​

Geary is not remaining silent regarding Mullen’s death. A fact that you already picked up on if you watched the above video with fellow SEAL Shawn Ryan. He feels that performance-enhancing drugs (PED) may have contributed to Mullen’s death. PEDs, including human growth hormone (HGH) and testosterone, were found in Mullen’s car during the investigation into his death. It should be noted that there was no definitive proof that Mullen had ever used these substances. He was never tested for them. As part of the death investigation, several of Mullen’s fellow SEAL candidates were questioned. Some stated that they felt that instructors were trying to tell them it was OK to use PEDs when they were told, “Don’t use PEDs, it’s cheating, and you don’t need them. And whatever you do, don’t get caught with them in your barracks room.”