“American” Arrested at LAX on Terrorism Charges:

One proclaimed his wish to join the group and die a martyr on a battlefield. Although Yemen was attractive for its natural beauty, the men agreed they’d prefer to fight in Syria. They would drink wine together in the paradise that awaited them after they were killed, they said.

Unbeknown to the men, they were not alone on the call. Federal agents were listening.

Details of the phone call were contained in an FBI agent’s affidavit that was part of a criminal complaint filed Friday against Nader Elhuzayel and Muhanad Badawi, both 24. In the complaint, filed in U.S. District Court in Orange County, prosecutors accused the men of “conspiring to provide material support to a foreign terrorist organization, the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant.”

“My son is not the man these people say he is. He is a good child and a good brother,” said Salem Elhuzayel, his father, before Block read the charges.

Elhuzayel’s mother dismissed the allegations against her son as “impossible.” Speaking on the phone before his court appearance, Falak Elhuzayel described her son as “a very good kid — not the kind of person who would fit into this kind of category.

Of course he’s not. As is always the case, the really good stuff is found in the criminal complaint, which you can access right here. There are some juicy nuggets in there. Naturally, being modern jihadists, the two men both kept several Facebook and twitter accounts. So one day, Badawi posted a picture of four guys wearing “fuck Isis” shirts on Elhuzayel’s Facebook page:

ELHUZAYEL commented “look at these kaffirs” [a kaffir is a derogatory term used to describe a disbeliever, or someone who rejects Allah]. BADAWI then commented “Lol bunch of tight Jeaned shiny faced kafirs. We should take them to a tall building and push them off because they look like a bunch of homosexuals.”