Government steals Navy SEAL money:

WASHINGTON – The former Navy SEAL who wrote a book about his role in the raid that killed Usama bin Laden will pay the government more than $6.6 million for violating non-disclosure agreements and publishing without getting the document cleared by the Defense Department, according to federal court documents.

Matt Bissonnette, who wrote “No Easy Day” under the pseudonym Mark Owen, will give the U.S. government all profits and royalties from the book or movie rights. The proceeds already total more than $6.6 million. He will have four years to pay the bulk of that.

The payments were outlined in settlement documents filed in U.S. District Court in Virginia.

According to the settlement, Bissonnette also has 30 days to pay $100,000 from the proceeds of presentations he gave using slides that were not approved by the department.

This is insane. Look, I understand the need to enforce non-disclosure agreements. You can’t have your special operators in constant contact with media and book publishers just waiting to spill the beans. But this is ridiculous overkill.You’re telling me that the U.S. government, which is perfectly happy to exploit it’s enlisted force every which way it can, is going to drop the hammer on a man who, by all accounts, served the United States Navy with distinction? They didn’t just fine him an amount that they know would sting, and call it a day; they took EVERYTHING.

These books are quite common, and Bissonette is hardly the first man to write about these secret units. Indeed, since the beginning of the GWOT, the war novel has become a huge industry. CIA operatives, generals, and politicians have all penned books describing some exploit over in Iraq/Afghanistan. But I can’t recall ever reading about an author getting hammered like this, and basically having his story stolen from him.

This is especially galling coming from a defense department that has been quite willing and able to lend out it’s equipment and men to Hollywood, figuring that seeing heroic military exploits up on the big screen will inspire little Johnny to become the first trans-species infantryman, or whatever. This stuff works. Remember Top Gun? That movie made an entire generation of young boys want to be Tom Cruise. The fighter-jockyin’, tail-chasin’, volleyball-spikin’ greased up Tom Cruise, not crazy-guy-who-cackles-manically-about-his-whacky-religion Tom Cruise. Look at that abortion of a movie “Act of Valor,” starring Real Navy SEALs. Remember that? (I couldn’t finish it.) That movie had a budget of 12 million and made over 80 million. Who got all that money? Or how about when Leon Pannetta told the SEAL Team 6 guys that they had to cooperate with the producers of “Zero Dark Thirty?” Did they get a cut of that?