A South Carolina mother allegedly hit her son multiple times after the boy made a Mother’s Day card for his grandmother and not her.
Shontrell Murphy, 30, allegedly smacked the boy multiple times on Thursday because she was upset.
Police said that when they arrived at the home, the child’s grandmother was standing with two children, one of which was crying.
The child’s grandmother told police that her daughter hit the boy multiple times on the front, side and back of the head, according to Fox 5.
When Murphy saw the Mother’s Day card from her son and realized it wasn’t for her, Murphy also tore it up, according to reports.
Murphy allegedly confessed to smacking the boy but “does not believe it was in a hard or violent manner,” according to reports.
The kids reportedly told police that their mother hits them violently often and they they are afraid of her, according to Fox 5.
Murphy was arrested and charged with cruelty to children.
A South Carolina mother allegedly hit her son multiple times after the boy made a Mother’s Day card for his grandmother and not her.
Shontrell Murphy, 30, allegedly smacked the boy multiple times on Thursday because she was upset.
Police said that when they arrived at the home, the child’s grandmother was standing with two children, one of which was crying.
The child’s grandmother told police that her daughter hit the boy multiple times on the front, side and back of the head, according to Fox 5.
When Murphy saw the Mother’s Day card from her son and realized it wasn’t for her, Murphy also tore it up, according to reports.
Murphy allegedly confessed to smacking the boy but “does not believe it was in a hard or violent manner,” according to reports.
The kids reportedly told police that their mother hits them violently often and they they are afraid of her, according to Fox 5.
Murphy was arrested and charged with cruelty to children.
Follow me on Twitter and listen to me podcast with fellow veterans while drinking Coors Original:
CAMERON, Texas (KWTX)Katelyn Christina Carnline, 28, of Milano, was held without bond Tuesday in the Milam County Jail charged with injury to a child with serious bodily injury and exploitation of a child following an investigation prompted by a Child Protective Services report in March that indicated her then 4-month-old child was being abused and neglected, according to an arrest warrant affidavit released Tuesday.
Carnline is accused of withholding proper nutrition from the infant and creating a YouCaring page seeking funds, claiming the child had a rare metabolic condition, the Milam County Sheriff’s Office said in a press release Tuesday.
Carnline was arrested in early March on a Bryan Police Department warrant charging exploitation of a child stemming from an investigation of allegations that she “had advertised that one of her other children had cancer and started a benefit for them,” the affidavit said.
The child did not have cancer, the affidavit said.

She was booked into the Brazos County Jail on March 8 on an exploitation of a child charge and was released the same day after posting an $8,000 bond, according to online records.
CPS placed the infant with the father after Carnline’s arrest and Milam County authorities began their own investigation, which turned up a page on YouCaring that said the infant suffered from a rare genetic disorder called IEM or inborn errors metabolism, the affidavit said.
The unnamed infant, who was born on Oct. 13, 2016, was repeatedly admitted to Dell Children’s medical Center beginning in early December and continuing until late February, when doctors implanted a G-tube in the child’s abdomen based on Carnline’s claims of repeated seizures and apneic events in which breathing temporarily stopped, the affidavit said…
…A report prepared by a medical staff member at Dell Children’s concluded that the infant’s “poor weight gain was the direct result of physical neglect by the defendant,” the affidavit said.
The report said that neglect “contributed in part to the child getting unnecessary surgery, which is highly concerning for medical child abuse,” the affidavit said.
Carnline, the affidavit said, “had a history of telling people that her children have medical conditions to obtain money.”
This is a very good summary of the “Comey Affair,” including this nugget:
In May, 2016, just as the F.B.I.’s investigation into the Clinton e-mails was nearing its final stages, a young woman in Indiana named Sydney Leathers received a Facebook message from someone she did not know…
…The messages Leathers received in 2016 were from someone who identified herself as a fifteen-year-old in North Carolina. The sender said she had been sexting with Weiner, but Leathers was skeptical. “I just thought it was a crazy person,” she told me.
Leathers changed her mind after the girl sent screen shots from months of exchanges with the former congressman. The teenager wanted to go public, but Leathers urged her to call the police instead. “I don’t claim to be a morality queen,” Leathers said. “I don’t care if he was sexting another adult. But, if it’s a child, it’s another story. I felt a little protective of her.”
After it became clear that the teenager was determined to tell her story, Leathers said she shifted to “damage control.”

How can I at least make you some money?” she said she asked the teenager. “I basically said, ‘The only way you should do this is if they pay you.’ Certain outlets will pay you to talk, and I had made deals with a lot of them.” Leathers’s agent alerted dailymail.com, the online version of a British tabloid with which she’d previously done business. Both Leathers and the girl received a sizable fee; the teen’s father, an attorney, helped negotiate her payment.
On July 30th, Leathers took another step. She had not communicated with Weiner for years, but she decided to send him a private Facebook message that amounted to a half-warning, half-scold:
“This is super awkward but you need to know something. There’s a 15-year-old girl named [redacted] messaging me and she’s claiming you guys sext and skyped. And that you know how old she is. For once I’m keeping my mouth shut. I want nothing to do with this. Frankly, I hope it isn’t true. But she showed me a screenshot that looks legit to me. How have you not learned your lesson? This is another level of fucked up. I suggested to her not to talk to the press so you’re welcome but you may want to refrain from messaging anyone under 18 for gods sake. If she is really someone you’ve been talking to, you better cut that off quickly. She’s talking about potentially messing with Hillary’s campaign. I am kind of pissed to be put in this situation to be honest.”
Whenever someone retires, it marks the end of an era in their personal life. When U.S. Air Force Chief Master Sergeant Rob Wellbaum leaves the service he’ll end an entire era of aerial combat as America’s last bomber tail gunner.
On May 12, 2017, Wellbaum retired after three decades in the Air Force. When he first joined up in 1987, the non-commissioned officer had signed up for Specialty Code 111X0—Aerial Defense Gunner.
“I went into the recruiter’s office and asked them what jobs they had for enlisted [personnel] to fly,” Wellbaum recalled in an interview. “My recruiter listed off loadmaster, boom operator, and B-52 aerial defensive gunner. The gunner job sounded like the coolest job out of the three so that is what I applied for.”
For the next five years, he served in that role on a B-52 Stratofortress bomber. This aircraft – more lovingly referred to as the Big Ugly Fat Fellow, or BUFF – was the last in service to even have a tail gun…

…By 1992, the Air Force had removed the guns from all its remaining B-52Gs and Hs. The service’s 111X0s, including Wellbaum, transitioned to other jobs. Neither the B-1 Bone nor the B-2 Spirit bombers ever had tail guns.
We knew something was in the works but we weren’t expecting to be cut,” Wellbaum said of the Air Force’s decision to remove the BUFF’s weapons for good and eliminate tail gunners. “However, the Air Force did take care of us and opened up a lot of AFSCs, one of which was flight engineer.”
In total, Wellbaum accumulated more than 1,000 flight hours as a B-52 tail gunner. His last position was as the superintendent of the 15th Operations Group, the flying component of Pacific Air Force’s composite 15th Wing, which is situated at Hickam Air Force Base in Hawaii.
First of all, make sure you get the apostrophe right: It’s Mother’s Day. As in, a single mother. And that singular mother would be Anna Jarvis’ mom, Ann Reeves Jarvis.
The senior Jarvis was a mothers’ advocate whose life of service included founding “Mothers’ Day Work Clubs.” An early form of parenting classes, the clubs would evolve into a resource for Civil War soldiers and their families. After the war, Jarvis created a “Mothers’ Friendship Day” in 1868, in an effort to unify North and South through moms.
Yeah, that didn’t really take off, but after Jarvis’ death in 1905, daughter Anna decided to push for a holiday to honor her mother, who happened to be known as Mother Jarvis. Hence Mother’s Day…
…President Woodrow Wilson recognized Mother’s Day as a national holiday on the second Sunday in May of 1914. Alas, a quixotic Anna, embittered by the rank commercialization and exploitation of the holiday, would fight it for the rest of her life. (And that’s before the advent of awful Mother’s Day brunches!)
She often sued companies and groups that used the name “Mother’s Day” (including First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt who used the day to raise money for charities) and tried to undo its legal holiday status. She was once arrested for breaking up a carnation sale put on by the American War Mothers in 1925.
A penniless Jarvis was placed in a sanitarium in the 1940s, where she died in 1948. And guess who paid to keep her there — members of florist and card industries.”
Happy Mother’s Day, part four:
HOLBROOK, Ariz. (KSAZ) – A traffic stop on a vehicle in northeastern Arizona led a Navajo County Sheriff’s deputy to find 10 pounds of methamphetamine and a half pound of cocaine.
“Upon speaking to the occupants inside the vehicle, the deputy suspected they may be involved in criminal activity. A drug detection canine was used on the vehicle and positively alerted to the odor of illegal drugs on the vehicle,” stated NCSO’s Susan Batson.
The deputy found the meth hidden inside a wrapped Mother’s Day gift while searching the vehicle.
Alejandro Luiz Ruiz and Jasmine Bustamonte Castro were arrested and booked into the Navajo County jail.
The meth has a street value of $453,000 and the cocaine is valued at $16,800.
Sheriff “K.C” Clark stated, “Drug smugglers try all kinds of stupid ploys to smuggle illegal contraband, including gift-wrapped presents! The only thing these gifts are going to bring to these defendants is a lengthy jail stay.”
You’d think this would be a bigger story:
There is a good chance that the two well respected doctors viciously murdered in their South Boston condo would be alive today if Bampumim Teixeira, the alleged killer, had been deported.
But he wasn’t. Instead the immigrant who was born in Guinea-Bissau, a small, impoverished nation on the west coast of Africa, and who grew up on Cape Verde, was given a pass.
In the United States as a green card holder, Teixeira was allowed to plea bargain down two unarmed bank robbery charges that allowed him to keep his green card and avoid deportation, according to the Boston Herald and other sources. A green card allows an immigrant to live and work in the U.S., and Teixeira had one since 2010.
The plea bargain arrangement was worked out by the defense and prosecutors from the Office of Suffolk County District Attorney Daniel F. Conley and accepted by Boston Municipal Court Judge Lisa Anne Grant. It allowed Teixeira in 2016 to serve 364 days, which was one day short of the minimum that would have possibly led to his deportation. In a haunting development of unintended consequences, however, Conley is now in charge of investigating and prosecuting Teixeira, the man he allowed to walk the streets of Boston and allegedly commit the savage murders of Drs. Richard Field, 49, and Lina Bolanos, 38.
The pair, who were soon to be married, were found in Field’s $1.9 million Southie penthouse in the highly secured Macallen Building on May 5 with their hands tied and their throats slit.
Happy Mother’s Day, part five:
GRAND TRAVERSE COUNTY, Mich. – A couple and their 18-year-old daughter were arrested after allegedly hosting an underage drinking party at their Williamsburg, Michigan home.
WPBN/UpNorthLive reports the party happened on the night of March 3, and police found out about it after a possible criminal sexual conduct incident was reported.
WPBN reports the party was at the house of Geoffrey, Duanne and 18-year-old Hannah Boylan.
According to court records, interviewees said that they gave $5 to Hannah for pizza and alcohol. WPBN reports the bar in the basement was stocked with the alcohol and that guests were playing drinking games.
Interviewees then heard rumors that following Monday at school about possible sexual relations between a high school girl who was at the party and the dad, Geoffrey. WPBN reports the girl did consent and was of age, so no charges will follow.
Court records show that Geoffrey was the volunteer assistant football coach at Elk Rapids High School – he is no longer allowed on school property..
Geoffrey’s wife, Duanne, was arrested and charged with three counts of selling/furnishing to a minor as well as one count of allowing minors to consume alcohol.
The letter “S” on Sunnyslope Mountain was looking a little different earlier this week. It’s exactly what you think it is.
Apparently, someone, or possibly a group of people, managed to repurpose the landmark late Wednesday night.
“Well I just started chuckling,” said neighbor Paul Johnston.
“I was kind of shocked in the morning when I saw what I saw,” said neighbor Judy Berlucchi. The ‘alteration’ was made out of rocks, toilet paper, and tablecloths.”

Whoever the artist is is stretching it, so to speak,” said neighbor Phil Davis.
Sunnyslope High School is investigating, thinking this was likely a senior prank.
“What do you say? It’s kids being kids,” said Davis.
Happy Mother’s Day, part seven:
CONWAY, Ark. – A man is dead and his mother in custody after he was stabbed early Saturday.
The victim is 38-year-old Christopher Helms.
Police arrested 55-year-old Jessie Mae Johnson early Saturday morning.
Johnson is charged with first degree murder for the stabbing death, according to Conway police.

It happened at a home on Appalachian Drive.
According to witnesses Johnson became upset when Helms cursed her.
Police say she went to the kitchen got a knife, returned and stabbed him.
When officers arrived Johnson was holding her son in her arms and she and the victim’s sister were administering CPR.
Helms later died from his injuries.
Detectives say alcohol may have played a role in this incident.”
BREAKING: Mattis forgets to send card to his mother of all bombs https://t.co/olEpzatYkV pic.twitter.com/CDh2ETPs9g
— Duffel Blog (@DuffelBlog) May 14, 2017
Happy Mother’s Day, part eight:
HENDRICKS COUNTY, Ind. – Police in Hendricks County arrested the son of an 80-year-old woman in connection with an elderly abuse case.
Mark Kincaid was taken into custody Thursday night and charged with neglect of a dependent after authorities checked out a Lizton residence on Monday.
Kincaid’s mother was reportedly found half on/half off a mattress in her bedroom, a room which was described as being in deplorable condition. Audio from a medical run in the case indicated that the woman was severely malnourished and mistreated. She was described as confused and was covered in feces and urine.
She had reportedly been in that position for approximately six weeks, according to police. Kincaid told investigators that his mother fell about six weeks ago and he couldn’t pick her up so he left her where she was.”

When asked why Kincaid didn’t call for medical help, he told medics, “You guys are too expensive,” according to a probable cause affidavit filed in the case. When asked when his mother was last showing “normal” behavior, Kincaid said it was “months ago.” He said she’d been talking to him as recently as three days ago.
He’d been feeding her a spoonful of food a day and a drink of water with her medicine, according to court documents. A Pittsboro medic who talked to Kincaid described him as “indifferent” when talking about his mother’s condition.
Kincaid’s mother had “red seeping sores” on her left torso, left arm, back and thighs, court documents said. She was severely dehydrated and in no condition to be interviewed, investigators said.
Kincaid declined an interview at the Sheriff’s Department, saying he wanted to seek counsel from his pastor. During a follow-up interview, Kincaid again refused to provide a statement, saying he was acting on the advice “of a very good friend.” Police then obtained a warrant for his arrest.”
WEEHAWKEN — One of the busiest roadways in the world became the tunnel of self-love for a man high on drugs, police say.
Ismael Esquilin, 48, of Passaic, has been accused of stopping his minivian in the middle of the Lincoln Tunnel to take off his clothes and masturbate.”

The lewd act gummed up traffic about 7:15 p.m. Thursday in the Hudson River tunnel linking New Jersey to New York.
Esquilin admitted that he had smoked PCP, Port Authority police said.
Police said he refused to get out of the vehicle but they eventually arrested him after covering him with a blanket.”
Happy Mother’s Day to all of our SOFREP readers and your families. @BKactual.
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