SOF Medic Trainer Accused of Inappropriate Student Contact:

A former U.S. Army doctor whose company has received $10.5 million from the government to train military personnel in trauma medicine is being accused of a variety of inappropriate training procedures, including drugging at least 10 students, sexually exploiting at least two students, and inflicting unnecessary cruelty on live animals.

The Virginia Board of Medicine suspended Dr. John Hagmann‘s medical license in March, and a full hearing, which could result in Hagmann losing his license for good, is scheduled for June 19.

The litany of accusations contained in the medical board’s report ranges from the inappropriate to the grotesque. Hagmann, 59, allegedly drugged students with alcohol and Ketamine, a hypnosis drug, to measure their response time and cognition while they were intoxicated. He ordered them to perform procedures on one another, sometimes while the patients were under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

Before I even start offering my opinion on this, let me disclose the following: Not only did I attend several of Dr. Hagmann’s courses as a trainee, I actually worked several courses for him as an instructor. So I believe I’m in some position to comment on this.

I’ve read through the entire complaint, which you can do right here.  Most of the complaints seem pretty benign, like having students who weren’t licensed in the state of Virginia administering drugs, and not obtaining complete medical histories before injecting Ketamine. I mean, really? Another issue was students practicing foley catheters on each other. Not something you find most medics practicing on the reg, but, all tittering and penis jokes aside, something that we’ve all been trained on.

The one thing I did have an issue with is the claim of not obtaining express consent on drug-incapacitated students before doing specific procedures on them, even with witnesses around, and, in this day and age, you CANNOT perform intimate procedures like Foleys without these consents. There were other incidents of students feeling “uncomfortable” with procedures. However, I’m not seeing any criminal charges here: this seems to be purely an ethics case. And if Dr. Hagmann had some ulterior motives for these alleged incidents, he needs to be held accountable and apologize. Having booze along with drug administration, while sounding pretty awesome in theory, probably isn’t a great idea, either.

But for now, I will reserve judgement on Dr. Hagmann’s motives for performing some sensitive procedures one-one-one with students. I don’t believe this was some kind of sexual thing, but who knows? I was a daily employee, arriving in the morning and leaving in the evening. I never was out in the field for a week or anything. I can tell you that I never saw anything like that or got ANY kind of weird sex vibe from him, and this is coming from someone who has NSA-level gaydar. Actually, he seemed just super nerdy about medicine. But it was unwise of him to allow himself to be put in this position.