Police defend response;

CHARLOTTESVILLE, Va. — Gov. Terry McAuliffe of Virginia on Sunday strongly defended the police response to the violent demonstrations here on Saturday, saying that law enforcement authorities had done “great work” in “a very delicate situation.”

Mr. McAuliffe, in an impromptu sidewalk interview before addressing two church congregations on Sunday morning, said the police estimated that 80 percent of those at the white nationalists’ rally and counterprotests — including members of self-styled militias in camouflage gear — were armed, “yet not a shot was fired.”

The governor also said the death of a 32-year-old woman who was killed when a driver intentionally plowed his car into a crowd could not have been prevented, calling it “car terrorism.”

“You can’t stop some crazy guy who came here from Ohio and used his car as a weapon,” Mr. McAuliffe said. “He is a terrorist.”

The police and other law enforcement officials have been criticized for their handling of the event, including by Jason Kessler, the organizer of the so-called Unite the Right rally. In a statement, he complained that the authorities had “exacerbated the violence” by failing to separate his followers from counterprotesters, leading to the melee.”

Where to start with the insanity yesterday, where some loser White Supremacist and former Army quitter named James Alex Fields Jr. barreled down a street and slammed into a crowd of people, sadly killing one young lady named Heather D. Heyer, and wounding 19 more? Then, adding to an already horrible day, a state police helicopter went down in what is so far being called an accident. Tragically, Pilot Lt. H. Jay Cullen and Trooper-Pilot Berke M.M. Bates were both killed at the scene.

Sad and terrible day, with much to talk about. But what I can’t get over is the police response to rioting in the streets. Now, admittedly, I know little of the planning by the police outside of what has been released publicly, but I do know basic security tactics, and I do know that this event was a LONG time in the making, with lawsuits by the ACLU being needed to ensure it even took place. “The Unite the Right” group had gotten the necessary permits and permissions, unlike the Antifa brick-throwers who showed up. This was not spontaneous, like the Baltimore Freddy Grey riots or even the LA riots back in the 90s. The Police had a long time to prepare for this event, and had plenty of resources, even having the National Guard ready in case they were needed. They were more than prepared.