I know I hit this earlier in the week, but I had a few saved rounds after watching all of the stupid rhetoric in favor of allowing military members to have, and then recuperate from, the most brutal surgery a human can possibly have. Hell, I’m even going to just skip over the absurd lie that a military member unable to perform duty for many months due to recovering from an elective surgery doesn’t affect readiness (!!!) and move on to some issues. Earlier in the week, I wanted to rush out a few points, but now that some time has gone by, let us get into the nuts and bolts of this issue instead of just shrieking inane slogans, since I’m SOFREP’s resident Trans beat writer. 

As has been stated by myself and numerous others, perhaps the most obviously wrong talking point going around is that someone has the “right” to military service, and to deny anyone is to discriminate. Here’s a hard truth for those of you who do not know: The military discriminates against people ALL THE TIME. We have exhaustively documented the various physical shortcomings that will lead to the military denying service to individuals (here’s a list)  through no fault of their own. (And this includes whole groups of people… How about Little People? It’s NOT FAIR that the military discriminates against them, right?) But there are also some that have to do with the foolish things people choose to do with their bodies before they decide to go into the recruiter’s offices. Body modifications are a big one, like those stupid gauges people put into their ears like the dummies they are; even being a single parent with sole custody will deny you entry.

But probably way more widespread than that are the dumb tattoos people choose to get, as we discussed on the podcast. Remember that super cool lighting bolt you got stamped on your neck at 18 years old? Forget about joining up. And you may be some kind of triathlete who is an assassin with an edged weapon, they still wouldn’t take you. You could be the goddamn poster child of special operations recruiting, and you’re still a no-go, just because of what you did physically to yourself. And that’s someone who doesn’t require ongoing medical hormonal therapy (far from an exact science, by the way,) or crazy surgeries. Is that “fair?”

Life isn’t fair, kids. I had a good friend I knew from my military days. Not only was he an awesome PJ, he was a prior service Force Reconnaissance Marine, and the textbook squared-away operator. The military had spent hundreds of thousands, if not millions of dollars training and equipping this man to combat America’s enemies. One day, a few years into his PJ career, he doesn’t feel so good. Turns out, dude had a heretofore-undiscovered cardiac problem. He had to be rushed to the hospital and undergo a massive bypass. It saved his life, but guess what? He was done. His career was over. Sure, maybe the military could have kept him on while he went through intense surgery and the slow, careful recovery over the months that followed, but the military is NOT IN THE BUSINESS of keeping people on status who need months and months of downtime for medical issues that are not service-connected. I can’t state this enough, because it appears that all the morons on social media think that this is indeed their business. You think some guy who just had their penis removed is going to be able to bounce back in a week and hump that 85 pound ruck up the side of the mountain? Get the hell out of here.

Another idiotic comparison the dopes are frantically trying to make is to equate Transgender surgery rights with the struggle of African-Americans, females, and gays. This is moronic, bordering on offensive. I can’t believe I actually have to explain this, but here you go: NONE OF THOSE GROUPS NEEDED SURGERY, DIPSHITS. Seriously, I knew the media would try this but the sheer chutzpah of it blows me away. A black soldier is just as physically capable at delivery lethality than anyone else, as is a gay soldier. Now, the females-in-SOF/Infantry thing I still have a problem with, but at least, in theory, they don’t NEED anything different than any other troop. Again, another stupid talking point.

Then there is the propaganda and line-blurring. Here’s a sentiment that I’ve seen going around on social media: