I know I hit this earlier in the week, but I had a few saved rounds after watching all of the stupid rhetoric in favor of allowing military members to have, and then recuperate from, the most brutal surgery a human can possibly have. Hell, I’m even going to just skip over the absurd lie that a military member unable to perform duty for many months due to recovering from an elective surgery doesn’t affect readiness (!!!) and move on to some issues. Earlier in the week, I wanted to rush out a few points, but now that some time has gone by, let us get into the nuts and bolts of this issue instead of just shrieking inane slogans, since I’m SOFREP’s resident Trans beat writer. 

As has been stated by myself and numerous others, perhaps the most obviously wrong talking point going around is that someone has the “right” to military service, and to deny anyone is to discriminate. Here’s a hard truth for those of you who do not know: The military discriminates against people ALL THE TIME. We have exhaustively documented the various physical shortcomings that will lead to the military denying service to individuals (here’s a list)  through no fault of their own. (And this includes whole groups of people… How about Little People? It’s NOT FAIR that the military discriminates against them, right?) But there are also some that have to do with the foolish things people choose to do with their bodies before they decide to go into the recruiter’s offices. Body modifications are a big one, like those stupid gauges people put into their ears like the dummies they are; even being a single parent with sole custody will deny you entry.

But probably way more widespread than that are the dumb tattoos people choose to get, as we discussed on the podcast. Remember that super cool lighting bolt you got stamped on your neck at 18 years old? Forget about joining up. And you may be some kind of triathlete who is an assassin with an edged weapon, they still wouldn’t take you. You could be the goddamn poster child of special operations recruiting, and you’re still a no-go, just because of what you did physically to yourself. And that’s someone who doesn’t require ongoing medical hormonal therapy (far from an exact science, by the way,) or crazy surgeries. Is that “fair?”

Life isn’t fair, kids. I had a good friend I knew from my military days. Not only was he an awesome PJ, he was a prior service Force Reconnaissance Marine, and the textbook squared-away operator. The military had spent hundreds of thousands, if not millions of dollars training and equipping this man to combat America’s enemies. One day, a few years into his PJ career, he doesn’t feel so good. Turns out, dude had a heretofore-undiscovered cardiac problem. He had to be rushed to the hospital and undergo a massive bypass. It saved his life, but guess what? He was done. His career was over. Sure, maybe the military could have kept him on while he went through intense surgery and the slow, careful recovery over the months that followed, but the military is NOT IN THE BUSINESS of keeping people on status who need months and months of downtime for medical issues that are not service-connected. I can’t state this enough, because it appears that all the morons on social media think that this is indeed their business. You think some guy who just had their penis removed is going to be able to bounce back in a week and hump that 85 pound ruck up the side of the mountain? Get the hell out of here.

Another idiotic comparison the dopes are frantically trying to make is to equate Transgender surgery rights with the struggle of African-Americans, females, and gays. This is moronic, bordering on offensive. I can’t believe I actually have to explain this, but here you go: NONE OF THOSE GROUPS NEEDED SURGERY, DIPSHITS. Seriously, I knew the media would try this but the sheer chutzpah of it blows me away. A black soldier is just as physically capable at delivery lethality than anyone else, as is a gay soldier. Now, the females-in-SOF/Infantry thing I still have a problem with, but at least, in theory, they don’t NEED anything different than any other troop. Again, another stupid talking point.

Then there is the propaganda and line-blurring. Here’s a sentiment that I’ve seen going around on social media:

See, they want to lump “Transgender Service” into a single category, combining people who may have trans issues but maintain their biological body, and those who want the surgery. Let’s address that, because those are two wildly different things. Obviously, the former group doesn’t NEED anything. The latter needs extensive body reconstruction. But of course, nobody wants to point out facts and details. I’ve never seen the veteran community so intimidated about talking about a given subject before. And they all say the same stupid shit, like, “HURRRRRR IT DOESN’T MATTER WHAT YOUR GENITALS ARE HURRRRRR.” Stupid, vacuous, and doesn’t address the practical issues of the downtime whatsoever. This is a common tactic by leftists: Speak only in vague, existential proclamations while ignoring real-world costs, questions, and issues. I love these Vets on social media who now pretend that everyone is great with transgenders in the military. I’ve spoken about this issue with hundreds of SOF/infantry members, and not a single one wanted anything to do with it. NOT ONE.

So many questions need to be honestly discussed, and they are not. Remember, gender identity is far from an exact science; the medical community has only recently declassified it as a mental illness. Indeed, one wonders why Transgenderism is now no longer considered something to be treated, while Anorexia, a similar “This is how I feel and see myself” condition is looked upon with alarm. Should that, too just be accepted as a person’s rightful identity? Perhaps it has juuuuuuuuust a little bit to do with politics. After all,  having a differing opinion on this topic is now grounds for shunning and expulsion from the increasingly politicized fields of psychiatry, psychology, and sociology, as the vast majority of those practicing those disciplines are quite liberal.


And the costs? Who the hell knows? They don’t even know how many Trans people are in the military, with estimates varying wildly; anywhere from about 1,000 to 150,000 (LOL NO.) What we do know is that, again, this is an elective surgery that is not duty-related, so I don’t care if it would cost fifty bucks, forget it. Nobody is going to DIE because they can’t get transgender surgery. And just so I can counter that stupid “BUT THE VA PAYS MILLIONS FOR VIAGRA” argument, yeah, that shouldn’t be allowed either. Unless you sustained an injury in the line of duty that necessitates it, pay for your own freaking Viagra. Again, the military does not exist to provide benefits. This isn’t a social services institution. Sounds harsh, right? But that is the truth.

But far be it from me to offer only criticism without a suggestion; only dickheads do that. Here’s what I would do with transgenders, if I were in charge: First, if you’ve already had the surgery and are undergoing hormone therapy, you are disqualified from joining, period. Again, the military isn’t in the habit of taking on members who require ongoing medical treatment, especially something that can affect one’s mood so dramatically. It would be like agreeing to enlist someone who has been diagnosed with chronic depression and had to take Xanax every morning just to make it through the day. Again, people dealing with wild mood swings is not exactly what the military is crying out for in recruitment, especially with all the guns and stuff.

For those members already in who begin having gender identity issues? If an Airman came to me and said, “General BK (I LIKE IT,) I believe I am a woman on the inside,” I would say, “And?” In other words, if you are content with yourself and don’t require any surgeries or medical treatment, let’s all move on. You keep your name, your uniform, your DEERS information doesn’t change, etc. That member is entitled to all the same anti-harassment treatment that anyone else gets. They have access to the same mental health counseling that everyone else gets, too. If they really feel they need to get out of that body? Then offer an honorable discharge, something that did not happen in the past. This ensures they still qualify for GI bill benefits, VA home loans, and VA medical care for SERVICE-CONNECTED disability. They are then free to go deal with their personal medical issue however they see fit. I would even POSSIBLY consider trans-related therapy, but not one second before every veteran waiting for care from their service-related injuries are taken care of.

This is called, “Making an argument,” using logic and reason, things that are anathema to the modern left. Instead, they rely on saying lots of stupid shit, and attacking those who don’t agree with them. Hell, you now have Congressfucks saying that NOT allowing military members to undergo months of surgery and recuperation actually affects readiness. Seriously! Can you believe that??? See, readiness is only affected negatively when people are NOT ALLOWED to leave their posts for months at a time or something. Up is down, black is white. But I’m used to these lies by now. And remember, this may not even happen. Let’s see if Trump even follows through on those Tweets of his to actually put this policy in place. (Honestly, he’s probably already forgotten about it.) But you will see no such argument from the activists pushing this; their strategy is that any deviation from their fanaticism is hateful, therefore the argument is invalid. And finally, let me caveat all of this: None of this is said out of malice towards transgender people; they have a tough enough road as it is. This is said to protect the lethality of the United States Armed Forces. I hope trans people find peace, but the US military is not the place for that if finding that peace involves surgery.

Oh, and here’s a prediction, which I take no joy in making: Everyone’s favorite TOUGH GUY, SECDEF James Mattis, completely caves to the Social Justice Warriors and issues a statement saying that he is now all for Trans surgeries for the military. It’s easy to kill dusky religious nuts in far off lands; it is significantly harder to stand up to the Washington DC/NYC press corps, who is 100% fanatically in favor of this. I hope I’m wrong on that. (I’m not.)

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This is horrible:

Tyler Jarrell, 18, made up his mind early about life after high school. He wanted a challenge, and he looked to the Marine Corps to provide it.

He enlisted on Friday with a training date set for next summer, following graduation. After a flurry of enlistment paperwork over summer break, Jarrell made time for the year’s biggest attraction in his home town of Columbus — the Ohio State Fair, which opened Wednesday.”

(Marine Corps Recruiting South Columbus Ohio/Facebook)

Jarrell was killed when he was thrown off an amusement ride, the Fire Ball — an “aggressive thrill” carnival ride that swoops like a pendulum and swings in a circle — after a row of seats appeared to smash into a metal structural support beam. The accident left seven others injured, some of them critically, in what Ohio Gov. John Kasich (R) called “the worst tragedy in the history of the fair.”

Staff Sgt. James Hopper of the Marine Corps Columbus recruiting station told The Washington Post that Jarrell was a highly motivated recruit among the other “poolees” who wanted to serve in a tough role such as infantry or combat engineering.”

A merciless beating has never been needed more:

SAN FRANCISCO (CBSLA.com) — Police officers serving an arrest warrant in Northern California acted fast when confronted with a bizarre – and potentially hazardous – situation.

Officers responded to a report of a wanted person in the North Richmond area about 20 miles northeast of San Francisco, but when they arrived the suspect gave a false name – one belonging to another man who also happened to have an arrest warrant – according to Richmond police.”

When the suspect was taken into custody for the warrant and false impersonation, police say they also learned he was on parole, and decided to transfer him to county jail after he became “uncooperative” and “combative.”

Police placed the suspect into the back of a patrol car and began driving eastbound on Interstate 80, at which point the suspect slipped his cuffs, undressed in the backseat, and tossed his clothes out onto the freeway, according to officials.

When officers realized he was throwing clothes out of the car, “they also realized he had just defecated, started to eat his feces and spat feces at the officers,” police said.

More Recruiters behaving badly:

A Marine recruiter has been arrested following allegations that he sexually assaulted a high school student in Huntington Beach, California, reports the Los Angeles Times.

A former Marina High School student filed a sexual assault report against Sgt. Gonzalo Castro with Huntington Beach Police Department, per a news release.

The victim, who was a 17-year-old student at the time, alleges that Castro assaulted her during an off-campus training run with the track and field team.

Sgt. Gonzalo Castro served as a Marine Corps recruiter at Ocean View and Marina high schools, and volunteered as a track and field coach at Marina.

Capt. Chad Hill, deputy public affairs officer for the 12th Marine Corps District, told LA Times that Castro will not be interacting with any applicants at the Costa Mesa recruiting office where he works while police investigate.”



I’m so friggin sick of this crap: 

PORTLAND, Ore. — A man accused of breaking into a 65-year-old woman’s home, sexually assaulting her and stealing her car was arrested after allegedly assaulting another woman and running from police.

Sergio Jose Martinez, 31, was caught July 24 after officers chased him through a neighborhood.

According to court documents filed in March 2017, Martinez has a history of illegal entry into the United States. He has been a transient in the Portland area for more than a year and has been deported 20 times.”

Martinez has at least five probation violations for re-entering the United States. His most recent removal was in November 2016, according to the March court documents.

Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) lodged an immigration detainer against Martinez, asking authorities to notify them before releasing Martinez to allow ICE to take him into custody. The Department of Homeland Security said a detainer was requested for Martinez in December 2016, but he was released into the community and authorities did not notify ICE.

Earlier this year, Multnomah County leaders and Sheriff Mike Reese wrote a letter to the community saying, “The Sheriff’s Office does not hold people in county jails on ICE detainers or conduct any immigration enforcement actions.”

Get the hell away from our boat:

Washington (CNN) A US Navy ship fired warning shots at an armed Iranian patrol boat Tuesday in the northern end of the Persian Gulf, according to two US defense officials.

The Iranian boat is believed to have been operated by the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps, according to a defense official familiar with details of the incident. The officials said the Iranian boat approached and came within 150 yards of the USS Thunderbolt, a US Navy patrol ship.
The USS Thunderbolt was accompanied by the USS Vella Gulf, which is a Ticonderoga-class guided missile cruiser, and two US Coast Guard vessels at the time.
 The Iranians did not respond to any warnings from the US ship, including radio calls, firing of flares and five short blasts from the US Navy ship’s whistle, which is the internationally recognized communications signal for danger, the officials said.”

This hit me in the feels:

MUSKEGON, Mich. — Hundreds of people in Michigan came together to say a tear-filled final goodbye to a cancer-stricken dog who served three tours in Afghanistan with the US Marines.

Cena, the 10-year-old black lab received a hero’s farewell Wednesday before being euthanized at the USS LST 393, a museum ship in Muskegon, and carried off in a flag-draped coffin.”

Cena, who was recently diagnosed with terminal bone cancer, was a bomb-sniffer for the Marines until his retirement in 2014. The celebration for Cena was organized by his owner, Lance Corporal Jeff DeYoung, who was paired with the dog in 2009 and 2010 while on a combat tour in Afghanistan and who adopted him in 2014. Cena then became DeYoung’s service dog to help him with his post-traumatic stress disorder.”

Naked, penis-less, and bloody is no way to go through life, son: 

A naked man with blood all over himself in Chicago has been filmed harassing people and charging a police officer.

The man, who has been described as having cut off his penis, can be seen bleeding heavily from his crotch.


In the video, he can be seen up against a metal fence harassing people before police show up to try and calm him down. He approaches a first officer, a woman, as onlookers yell at him to “calm down.” The man, meanwhile, is screaming “get outta here b****”, at the officer.

The female officer yells at him to “get on the ground” before he charges at her. At that point, she discharges her taser, knocking the man to the ground.”

“Oh my god, bro. Shoot his a**”, the man filming the video can be heard saying. “Shoot that mother f*****. This is a time when you shoot people.”

The naked man later gets up as another officer arrives on the scene. He then appears to charge the second officer on the scene, who tasers him again.”



Featured image courtesy of AP