This might be peak Social Justice Warrior:

They had come to join Native American tribes and environmentalists protesting an oil pipeline, fully expecting to endure tear gas and rubber bullets. But in the end, veterans who traveled to the Standing Rock Sioux Reservation found something far more profound.

Inside the auditorium at a reservation casino, Wes Clark Jr. and about a dozen veterans in formation behind him faced a small group of Sioux spiritual leaders. Encircling them, hundreds of other veterans looked on.

“We came. We fought you. We took your land. We signed treaties that we broke,” he said.

Clark, organizer of Veterans Stand with Standing Rock, noted that some of the veterans had served in the same military units that had fought during the Indian Wars. He wore the blue jacket and hat of the 19th century 7th Cavalry, evoking the 140-year-old memory of Gen. George Armstrong Custer. As it happened, he spoke on Custer’s birthday, Dec. 5.

Then on Monday, as a blizzard bore down on Standing Rock, Clark took a knee and bowed before Lakota medicine man Leonard Crow Dog. As smoke from the sacred bundle of cedar, sage and sweetgrass rose, Crow Dog gently placed his hand on Clark’s head. Someone let out a ululating cry, and fellow Sioux spiritual leaders offered prayers and songs of cleansing and forgiveness. Hardened veterans wept openly.”

(Mike McCleary / Bismarck Tribune)

Okaaaaaay. I know, I’m going to come off like a total asshole here, but bear with me. (Not like that’s ever stopped me before.) Remember: there are no sacred cows in the Sofrep News Roundup. Honestly, my first reaction upon seeing this video? I laughed. Like… it’s something I imagine a little kid would come up with.

First, a bit of background is in order. I hadn’t really been following the Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL) controversy TOO closely. However, after reading up on the issue quite a bit for the last few days, I can see that the simplistic media presentation of the oppressed native tribe being bullied by the evil corporate overseers is not exactly accurate, so here’s a brief summary of the events that led up to this. Bear in mind that this is an extremely complicated and convoluted dispute, and if I did an appropriate summary, this would take all day, so I’m generalizing a bit. Also keep in mind that both sides have been prone to exaggeration and lying, so I’m not really taking a side here, but trying to lay out some facts.