Wounded Warrior Project CEOs get the boot:

When the Wounded Warrior Project was hit in January with multiple accusations in the news media of lavish spending on travel, conferences and public relations, and a toxic corporate culture, Fred Kane, one of its major fund-raisers, was stunned by the organization’s response.

He watched a young former Army captain who had lost an arm and a leg in Afghanistan offer CBS News awkwardly recited defenses of the group, the nation’s largest and fastest-growing charity for veterans.

“Why was that poor guy placed in front of a CBS News crew?” Mr. Kane, who has raised more than $325,000 for the organization, asked in an email sent in February to dozens of high-level donors. “Where was Steve Nardizzi and why didn’t he face the reporter?” Mr. Kane asked, naming the outspoken chief executive who had been accused of much of the excess.

Mr. Kane said the leader’s failure to take responsibility “shows a total lack of regard for the mission, the alumni, the employees, proud supporter organizations and the thousands of other individual and corporate donors.” He canceled his own contributions and encouraged others to do the same.

That moment in February was part of the building pressure by donors, veterans and supporters of the organization that culminated Thursday night in the abrupt firing of Mr. Nardizzi and his second in command, Al Giordano, who together earned nearly $1 million per year. By the time the board met Thursday to dismiss the two men, contributions were down and it had in hand an internal investigation that convinced it that the top leadership had to go.

Great story from the New York Times here on the stunning rise and now-uncertain future of the Wounded Warrior Project. Although there have been rumblings about WWP for years, once the big-time donors started pulling donations, the outcome was all but certain. Has there ever been a more apt use for the famous quote from Eric Hoffer?
