Did you know that You, yes You, are in the middle of a fierce battle right now? The tragic massacre in Newtown, CT was the opening event of what I’m going to name “The Newtown Gun Control Battle of 2012-2013.” Every battle is named for the location of the battle and like all others, this battle is being fought in many domains, yet it started at an elementary school in Newtown, CT. I wouldn’t know how else to name it.

So how are you involved, you ask? Every battle has two opponents who fight for some objective. There are also enablers and people who get caught in the crossfire. Everyone in the United States is either a combatant, enabler, support, or will somehow be affected by this battle. At this point you have a choice of which one to be.

Let’s take a strategic look at how this battle is shaping up so we can make some projections.

Most citizens in the U.S. are disgusted and saddened by the horrific loss of life of our children and teachers, so this is the common ground for everybody. It’s a starting point.

That’s where the similarities end, however, and the conflict picks up. Gun Control Advocates look at this tragedy and say, “If we didn’t have guns, this wouldn’t happen!” The ideal of a world without guns (and violence) shines as a primary objective for Gun Control Advocates. This is their goal, and to be honest, it’s not unlike the opposition’s ultimate objective.

Gun Owners and Constitutionalists are the primary opponents to gun control. They look at the tragedy and say, “If only some of the teachers were armed, they could have stopped it!” There are variants to the argument, like armed guards, etc. They look at the situation and say that deterrence and denial are the primary methods to stop an attack like this and having (and maintaining) the ability and legal right to carry arms and/or shoot the attacker is their objective.

Both sides don’t want this type of event to happen again, but have very, very different concepts on how to accomplish this; hence the battle, which is my focus of this writing (not the merits of the arguments).

Any battle starts with what is known as “Preparation of the Battlefield” and there is a strong science and methodology to it. Some of it is in Intelligence and some in Operations. The goal is to figure out how to win and begin to shape the outcomes.