Just got this via our Comms Check from a reader in the UK. Thought you guys would find it interesting.

He writes:

I’m British, former SAS. The UK government has a policy of neither confirming nor denying (anything). We had two SIS/MI6 intel guys follow the route of the CIA’s Frank Snepp and John Stockwell who authored books.

One, Richard Tomlinson, did not submit for clearance and published through an imprint based in Moscow. While I’m not sure if he collected any royalties but he did serve a lengthy jail sentence in solitary at Belmarsh Prison in London.

The other, Nicholas Anderson, submitted his book, had 400 pages deleted, had his bank accounts closed, et al, so decided thereon to categorise it as fiction.

I’ve read both books and strongly recommend readers that are interested in the subject to read them – Anderson’s is by far the better of the two in that perhaps Mark Owen should have done what he did. You can easily see it’s a true story but understand why he did what he did.

If you’re interested in the books you can find and purchase them with our Amazon affiliate links at (helps us keep the servers running):

Richard Tomlinson’s “The Big Breach: From Top Secret to Maximum Security