From Desmond Llewelyn to Ben Whishaw, we are used to seeing the tech wiz agent known as “Q” played by men in the James Bond movies.

However, the head of Britain’s Secret Intelligence Service has revealed that the “real-life-Q” is actually a woman.

Sir Alex Younger, the head of MI6, has made the revelation in his keynote speech at the Women in IT Awards in London as part of his appeal for more women to join MI6.

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Sir Alex Younger, courtesy of Twitter

The geeky genius responsible for the gadgets that help keep the fictional spy alive has always been played by a man in all the James Bond films.

The gadgets now that we employ – or operational technology as we more properly call it – probably defy the imagination of spy writers. So it’s always been there, but technology now is at the core of what we do in a way that it wasn’t before,” Mr Younger said in his speech, opening the awards that showcase the achievements and innovation of women in technology.

Mr Younger, who took over as chief of the SIS in 2014, said that his priority was to employ the best and that meant dispelling myths.

Read the whole story from The Telegraph.