If you’ve been following Old Man Fitness for a bit, you may be starting to notice a trend in some of the topics covered: namely, that a great deal of the media associated with the fitness game is complete and utter bullshit, intended to mislead, confuse, or sell you stuff.

Or, more often than not, do all three at once.

This week’s column will continue in that thread, and once again, aim to shed some light into the darker corners of your own beliefs about fitness and the health challenges you may be facing.  This time, my target is anyone and anything promising to help you to specifically reduce belly fat.

I get it guys.  Just about everybody is self-conscious about their stomach at one time or another – men in my family, for instance, tend to gain weight in a distinctly pregnant looking fashion.  The problem is, targeted fat burning, or “spot reduction,” as some people who claim to be experts call it, isn’t possible under most circumstances.  The human body is a complex system designed for survival, not bikini season, and we don’t really get much say in where we burn fat when.

During my training days, I primarily heard these complaints from women – but that’s not because women are the more superficial sex (just ask the dude making direct eye contact with himself in the mirror while he does curls).  Because people’s bodies tend to burn fat in different ways, many women working to slim up their mid-sections start to see the weight loss in places they’d rather keep it on first. After a few months of hard work, they find that their stomach looked just about the same, but their boobs had begun to disappear.  Sure, some women don’t care about that sort of thing, but plenty do, and there’s nothing wrong with wanting to look good for your own sake, regardless of gender.

So what do you do when you’re striving for an hourglass figure, but instead find that a healthier, fitter you is shaped a bit more like a bell?  The hard truth of the matter is, you just have to keep at it.  No matter what the box you bought at GNC tells you, no matter what the list of ab-exercises you find online claims to do for you, and no matter how effective you friend claims that sweat-strap is… you just don’t get to pick where fat burns first.

Not even with a magic, slimming detox belly patch! Seriously… don’t get me started on things that use “detox” in their title.

As always, I don’t expect you to take my word for it, so if you’d like to read that same conclusion put into far more technical language, here’s a peer-reviewed scientific paper published in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research that says the same thing.  If you don’t want to spend money on PDF’s of nerd work, I’ll summarize it for you: the study claims that 6 weeks of intensive ab-specific exercises did nothing to expedite fat burning on the stomach specifically.  In another study, 12 weeks of one arm-specific workouts did successfully tone the worked arm, but again, demonstrated absolutely no target specific fat loss.