One Navy SEAL was killed and three SEALs were wounded in a counter-terrorism operation in Yemen overnight. The New York Times reported the SEALs were from SEAL Team Six and this was the first counter-terrorism operation approved by President Trump since he took office.

During the operation, a MV-22 Osprey crash-landed, injuring two additional service members. According to the White House Press Secretary, 14 al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) members were also killed during the raid.

The Washington Post provided more details on the group of AQAP killed in the operation as well as civilian casualties. US officials have not confirmed the claims of the civilian deaths at this time.

Among [those] killed was an AQAP leader named Abdulra’oof Aldahab and two of his relatives. In total, 13 militants were killed, said the official. The operation also killed 15 women and children, said the official, who spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not allowed to speak to media, including the 8-year-old daughter of the late radical-Yemeni American cleric, Anwar Al-Awlaki who was killed in 2011 in a US drone strike. U.S. officials, after indicating that they could not confirm reports of civilian casualties, said they were now assessing the claims.” – Washington Post

The identity of the ST6 member killed has not been released by DoD yet. More to follow.

Image courtesy of DoD