What we’re seeing here in the United States and elsewhere in the world is a huge problem, and it is growing. Attacks on people of the Jewish faith are getting worse and the mainstream media here in the U.S. is turning a blind eye to it all. 

The latest violent incident took place in Monsey, Rockland County, New York a place where there a large number of Jews have traditionally lived in peace. No longer.

On Saturday during the final day of Hanukkah, about 100 people were gathered at the home of Rabbi Chaim L. Rottenberg, next to their synagogue. 

It was then that a man, identified as Grafton E. Thomas, burst in and armed with a machete and knife began attacking the people. Five were injured, one of them critically. Thomas was later arrested in Harlem after cameras on the George Washington Bridge picked up his license plates after witnesses had taken down the information. 

Thomas was found with blood-stained clothing and smelling strongly of bleach, as he tried to clean up after the attack, police said. He was charged and pleaded not guilty to five counts of attempted murder and one count of burglary. Thomas’s family claims that he’s had a history of mental illness. He’s undergoing a mental health examination in jail while being held on a $500,000 bail. But Thomas is hardly alone. 

CNN reported that there were eight “possible” hate crimes targeting Jews in NYC in just the past week. Time after time, judges in the courts release the accused with no bail. Why? And why is the national media so strangely silent on these cases? 

The “possible” hate crime moniker is a joke. On Monday, a 65-year-old man said he was punched and kicked in Manhattan by another man who was yelling “F*** you, Jew,” which should hardly be classified as possible. 

On Tuesday, a man in Brooklyn claimed that a group of men followed him and yelled anti-Semitic slurs at him before throwing a drink at him…possibly. In another case last week, a judge released a woman without bail in Brooklyn after she attacked an Orthodox Jewish woman walking with her daughter. “You f–-king Jew, your end is coming!” she yelled at the woman. As part of her non-bail agreement, she agreed to attend bimonthly mental health services.