Marine Forces Special Operations Command units conduct redeployment readiness exercises alongside Marines from the Fleet Marine Forces and US Army Special Forces called a RAVEN exercise.  RAVEN is designed to evaluate Marine Special Operations Companies and Marine Special Operations Teams as well as provide valuable training and experience to supporting units. Over time the exercise has evolved to include various aspects of military operations including interoperability with partner forces, other service branches as well as government agencies.

The exercise simulates a MARSOC unit in a notional country on deployment.  Training includes internet simulations and incorporates live-action role players cast as foreign civilian and military personnel making up the host nation’s military forces. The MARSOC units work through scenarios requiring intelligence gathering, control narratives, public perception, the training of host nation forces, combat missions, coordination with the State Department, and raid execution. Supporting units comprised of Marines and US Army Green Berets participate as well as supporting units



Marine Raiders with Marine Forces Special Operations Command evaluate Marines with the Fleet Marine Force during a remote advise and assist during RAVEN, April 29, 2022. RAVEN is a training exercise held to evaluate all aspects of a Marine Special Operations Company prior to a special operations deployment. (U.S. Marine Corps photo by Lance Cpl. Brandon Marrero)