CBS News cited US Intelligence sources, stating there is a potential terrorist threat the day before the elections. Sources told CBS News that al Qaeda might be planning attacks in New York, Texas, and Virginia in an attempt to disrupt the elections. Specific locations within those states have not been released but federal, state and local authorities have been notified and are taking the threat seriously.

Sources told CBS News senior investigative producer Pat Milton that U.S. intelligence has alerted joint terrorism task forces that al Qaeda could be planning attacks in three states for Monday.

It is believed New York, Texas and Virginia are all possible targets, though no specific locations are mentioned.

A senior FBI official told CBS News, “The counterterrorism and homeland security communities remain vigilant and well-postured to defend against attacks here in the United States.  The FBI, working with our federal, state and local counterparts, shares and assesses intelligence on a daily basis and will continue to work closely with law enforcement and intelligence community partners to identify and disrupt any potential threat to public safety.”- CBS News

Here’s my statement on the potential terror threat in Texas. Show Texan resolve.

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