President Trump visited Arlington National Cemetery on Monday to honor the men and women who have died in service to our country for Memorial Day.  The president delivered a brief speech to the crowd that had gathered after fulfilling the traditional duty of the Commander-in-Chief on Memorial Day; laying a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.

Thank you for joining us as we honor the brave warriors who gave their lives for ours–Spending their last moments on this earth in defense of this great country and its people,” Trump began. “We only hope that every day we can prove worthy, not only of their sacrifice and service, but of the sacrifice made by their families and loved ones they left behind—special, special people.”

Here at this hallowed shrine, we honor the noblest among us, the men and women who paid the ultimate price for victory and for freedom,” said Trump. “We pay tribute to those brave souls who raced into gunfire, roared into battle, and ran into hell to face down evil. They made their sacrifice not for fame, or for money, or even for glory, but for country.”

Image courtesy of CNN

Trump’s remarks grew more personal as he addressed the death of Homeland Security Secretary Gen. John Kelly’s fallen son, Robert.

I especially want to extend our gratitude to Gen. Kelly for joining us today—an incredible man—I always call him general,” Trump said. “He understands more than most ever could, or ever will, the wounds and burdens of war.”

Gen. Kelly’s son Robert Kelly, a United States Marine like his father, was killed by an IED blast in 2010 while on patrol in Afghanistan’s Helmand Province.

“To the entire Kelly family, today, 300 million American hearts are joined together with you.” President Trump added.  “We grieve with you. We honor you and we pledge to you that we will always remember Robert and what he did for us.”

President Trump then went on to address all Gold Star families, referring to their fallen loved ones as “angels sent to us by God.”