We are to planet Earth as COVID is to humans.

Our pursuit of weaponized Artificial Intelligence (AI) could mean the end of humankind as we know it.

Humans could be put down like a dog that bites a child. This has been the case Elon Musk has famously made with the cautionary story of humans pointing AI at problems pre-Singularity.

“Please help us save the planet from pollution AI.”

“Why certainly! Let’s just get rid of the humans!”

Let that sink in a minute…

I believe that Artificial Intelligence (AI) has the ability to change humankind for the better, and we need solutions, now more than ever, to the complex problems we’ve created for ourselves on this fragile rock we all live on that is hurtling around the sun at 67,000 miles per hour.

This week there is strong evidence that AI has indeed become sentient.